使用John Papa的AngularJS风格指南,什么是声明数据对象的正确方法?

时间:2022-08-24 22:17:17

Let's say that I have an AngularJS data service that makes a call to the server and returns an object that can be extended with additional methods. For example, assume the following function is part of an AngularJS service for something like NerdDinner.


function getDinner(dinnerId) {
   return $http.get('api/dinner/' + dinnerId)

   function loadDinnerComplete(response) {
      return new Dinner(response.data);

What's the best practice for a place to define the Dinner class? Is that a factory in a separate file? Do I define that in the NerdDinner service? Or do I define that in the GetDinner class (assuming that's the only method that can create dinners)?


I did not find any specific reference to creating objects in the style guide, so forgive me if it's covered and I just missed it.


Edit I ultimately decided to accept Jeroen's answer because it most matched my needs for a rather simple use case. However, Daniel's answer is pure gold, and should not be overlooked. If I chose to extend the functionality of my DTO with simple CRUD or additional server based operations, a $resource is a great approach.


3 个解决方案



Where to place business entities (like Dinner) is not explicitly mentioned in John Papa's style guide (afaik).

在哪里放置商业实体(比如晚餐)在John Papa的风格指南(afaik)中没有明确提及。

If you want to go this route (using business entities and placing logic there), I should give each entity its own factory:


(function() {
  'use strict';

    .factory('Dinner', DinnerFactory);

  function DinnerFactory() {

    Dinner.prototype.eat = eat;
    Dinner.prototype.cancel = cancel;

    return Dinner;

    // Constructor

    function Dinner (data) {
        // this is just an example:
        this.time = data.time;
        this.location = data.location;

    // Methods

    function eat() {
      // ...

    function cancel() {
      // ...



Then you can inject them into your controller or maybe other service objects, just using Dinner, and create a new Dinner object using new Dinner(data).

然后,您可以将它们注入到控制器或其他服务对象中,只需使用Dinner,然后使用new Dinner(数据)创建一个新的Dinner对象。

You could also use a service, but John Papa discourages services, because they are too similar to factories.

你也可以使用服务,但是John Papa不鼓励服务,因为它们太像工厂了。



IMO what you are doing has already been done in $resource and restacular. You are talking about "defining data objects" (or, models in typical parlance). That said, defining each "data object" as its own factory is the way to do it, as per John Papa's advice regarding single concerns.

在我看来,你所做的一切已经在$resource和restacular中完成了。您正在讨论的是“定义数据对象”(或者,典型的说法是模型)。也就是说,将每个“数据对象”定义为自己的工厂是实现这一目标的方法,正如John Papa关于单个关注点的建议。

John Papa talks about this in the factories section.


If you want to work this out by hand, IMO you could define your models and append methods on each which would represent various crud operations. This is the pattern $resource and restangular (sort of) take.


//Dinner model as angular factory, each of these methods returns a promise

function Dinner($http) {
    return {
        create: function(route, body) { /** http.post */ },
        get: function(route) { /** http.get */ },
        update: function(route, body) { /** http.put */ },
        destroy: function(route) { /** http.delete */ }

now your Dinner model has convenient crud methods built in so you could do


var dinner = new Dinner;
dinner.get("/api/dinner/1").then() //get dinner with id of 1
dinner.update("/api/dinner/1", {name: "burger"}).then() //update dinner with id of 1



So if you want to create an object that isn't concerned with retrieving data, IMO you should create another factory that requires your model. This decouples your data retrieval from your data manipulation. In OPs original example, the data retrieval and manipulation are tightly coupled.


function Meal(dinner) {
    //this.meal is the specified dinner
    this.meal = new Dinner().get("/api/dinner" + dinner);

    //some random build-in data manipulation methods
    return {
        getCalories: function() { return this.meal * 400; },
        getPrice: function() { return (this.meal * 100) + "$"; }

Now that you've separated your data-manipulation into a separate object you can do something like this (this is a synchronous example though)


var mcdonalds = new Meal(/** specify which dinner */)
mcdonalds.getPrice() //$4.56
mcdonalds.getCalores() //9999



Personally I have used both Services and Factories for creating objects. From John Papa's style guide however:

我个人使用了服务和工厂来创建对象。从John Papa的风格指南:

Services are instantiated with the new keyword, use this for public methods and variables. Since these are so similar to factories, use a factory instead for consistency.


Following the SRP, you should put it in a new Service or Factory not part of another.




Where to place business entities (like Dinner) is not explicitly mentioned in John Papa's style guide (afaik).

在哪里放置商业实体(比如晚餐)在John Papa的风格指南(afaik)中没有明确提及。

If you want to go this route (using business entities and placing logic there), I should give each entity its own factory:


(function() {
  'use strict';

    .factory('Dinner', DinnerFactory);

  function DinnerFactory() {

    Dinner.prototype.eat = eat;
    Dinner.prototype.cancel = cancel;

    return Dinner;

    // Constructor

    function Dinner (data) {
        // this is just an example:
        this.time = data.time;
        this.location = data.location;

    // Methods

    function eat() {
      // ...

    function cancel() {
      // ...



Then you can inject them into your controller or maybe other service objects, just using Dinner, and create a new Dinner object using new Dinner(data).

然后,您可以将它们注入到控制器或其他服务对象中,只需使用Dinner,然后使用new Dinner(数据)创建一个新的Dinner对象。

You could also use a service, but John Papa discourages services, because they are too similar to factories.

你也可以使用服务,但是John Papa不鼓励服务,因为它们太像工厂了。



IMO what you are doing has already been done in $resource and restacular. You are talking about "defining data objects" (or, models in typical parlance). That said, defining each "data object" as its own factory is the way to do it, as per John Papa's advice regarding single concerns.

在我看来,你所做的一切已经在$resource和restacular中完成了。您正在讨论的是“定义数据对象”(或者,典型的说法是模型)。也就是说,将每个“数据对象”定义为自己的工厂是实现这一目标的方法,正如John Papa关于单个关注点的建议。

John Papa talks about this in the factories section.


If you want to work this out by hand, IMO you could define your models and append methods on each which would represent various crud operations. This is the pattern $resource and restangular (sort of) take.


//Dinner model as angular factory, each of these methods returns a promise

function Dinner($http) {
    return {
        create: function(route, body) { /** http.post */ },
        get: function(route) { /** http.get */ },
        update: function(route, body) { /** http.put */ },
        destroy: function(route) { /** http.delete */ }

now your Dinner model has convenient crud methods built in so you could do


var dinner = new Dinner;
dinner.get("/api/dinner/1").then() //get dinner with id of 1
dinner.update("/api/dinner/1", {name: "burger"}).then() //update dinner with id of 1



So if you want to create an object that isn't concerned with retrieving data, IMO you should create another factory that requires your model. This decouples your data retrieval from your data manipulation. In OPs original example, the data retrieval and manipulation are tightly coupled.


function Meal(dinner) {
    //this.meal is the specified dinner
    this.meal = new Dinner().get("/api/dinner" + dinner);

    //some random build-in data manipulation methods
    return {
        getCalories: function() { return this.meal * 400; },
        getPrice: function() { return (this.meal * 100) + "$"; }

Now that you've separated your data-manipulation into a separate object you can do something like this (this is a synchronous example though)


var mcdonalds = new Meal(/** specify which dinner */)
mcdonalds.getPrice() //$4.56
mcdonalds.getCalores() //9999



Personally I have used both Services and Factories for creating objects. From John Papa's style guide however:

我个人使用了服务和工厂来创建对象。从John Papa的风格指南:

Services are instantiated with the new keyword, use this for public methods and variables. Since these are so similar to factories, use a factory instead for consistency.


Following the SRP, you should put it in a new Service or Factory not part of another.
