时间:2022-08-24 22:12:50

ASP.NET | MVC 4 | C# | WCF


I am using WCF web services as an intermediary from the presentation layer (MVC) to the data layer (Entity). To simplify moving data model data from MVC to the web service I thought I would use proxy classes in WCF, so that there would be one centralized class. Unfortunately, this caused the loss of MVC decorations on properties within the model. Is there a good way to create a centralized class for use with a model for the MVC view, and also as a transport method to the WCF service?

我使用WCF Web服务作为从表示层(MVC)到数据层(实体)的中介。为了简化将数据模型数据从MVC移动到Web服务,我想我会在WCF中使用代理类,这样就会有一个集中式类。不幸的是,这导致模型中属性上的MVC装饰丢失。是否有一种很好的方法可以创建一个集中式类,以便与MVC视图的模型一起使用,还可以作为WCF服务的传输方法?

Automapping came to mind as an option, but I believe that would require two identical classes. One on the MVC side and one on the WCF side. Which would still require me to make a change on both sides if a property changed in a class.


Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


EDIT:: Example

Here is model for a page that contains a table of records


public class ReconcileModel
    #region PROPERTIES

    public List<ReconcileItem> ReconcileItems { get; set;}


    #region CONSTRUCTORS

    public ReconcileModel()
        ReconcileItems = new List<ReconcileItem>();


Here is a class to represent each record in that table.


public class ReconcileItem
    #region PROPERTIES

    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string LastLocation { get; set; }
    public string LastRead { get; set; }
    public string IntendenLocation { get; set; }
    public string PickId { get; set; }
    public string OEM { get; set; }
    public string LotNumber { get; set; }
    public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
    public DateTime ExpirationDate { get; set; }
    public string ReconcileReason { get; set; }
    public string RemoveReason { get; set; }


    #region CONSTRUCTORS

    public ReconcileItem()


The WCF contract representation of the class above would be


public class ReconcileItem
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string LastLocation { get; set; }
    public string LastRead { get; set; }
    public string IntendenLocation { get; set; }
    public string PickId { get; set; }
    public string OEM { get; set; }
    public string LotNumber { get; set; }
    public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
    public DateTime ExpirationDate { get; set; }
    public string ReconcileReason { get; set; }
    public string RemoveReason { get; set; }

If I want to update this record, the class is sent to the WCF service, mapped to appropriate entity framework classes, and saved to the database. To simplify the transfer I thought I would just put this class in the WCF project and reference it in the MVC project. Then I could pass the class back in forth between WCF and MVC. Also, if I updated the class in WCF then it would be reflected in MVC. That's what is meant by centralized.


3 个解决方案



Just like Adrian, I question whether you actually need a WCF service between your DB and an MVC service. This is a much more likely scenario for a client application (Win Forms, WPF) that talks to a database. I'm currently working on a Win Forms project where we use WCF as intermediate layer and we do the following:

就像Adrian一样,我怀疑你的数据库和MVC服务之间是否真的需要一个WCF服务。对于与数据库进行通信的客户端应用程序(Win Forms,WPF),这种情况更为可能。我目前正在开发一个Win Forms项目,我们使用WCF作为中间层,我们执行以下操作:

  • We have an assembly (called 'contract') that is shared between the client and the WCF / BL.
  • 我们有一个在客户端和WCF / BL之间共享的程序集(称为“契约”)。

  • This 'contract' assembly contains all DTOs that are sent over the wire by and to WCF.
  • 该“合同”程序集包含由WCF通过线路发送的所有DTO。

  • We configured the WCF client proxy to use the contract assembly (instead of letting WCF regenerate all DTOs) by setting the 'Reuse types in specified reference assemblies' in the Service Reference Settings.
  • 我们通过在“服务引用设置”中设置“指定引用程序集中的重用类型”,将WCF客户端代理配置为使用合同程序集(而不是让WCF重新生成所有DTO)。

  • We decorate those DTOs with DataAnnotations attributes (and other metadata).
  • 我们使用DataAnnotations属性(和其他元数据)来装饰这些DTO。

  • We don't decorate those DTOs with WCF attributes. WCF doesn't need them to serialize DTOs. They are optional. Leave them out if you can. It just clutters your code.
  • 我们不会使用WCF属性来装饰这些DTO。 WCF不需要它们来序列化DTO。它们是可选的。如果可以,请将它们留下。它只会使你的代码变得混乱。

  • Since the client uses the same assembly we can use DataAnnotations on the client.
  • 由于客户端使用相同的程序集,因此我们可以在客户端上使用DataAnnotations。

  • We validate on the server as well.
  • 我们也在服务器上验证。

  • We use AutoMapper to do most of the boilerplate mapping from entities to DTOs (but never the other way around).
  • 我们使用AutoMapper来完成从实体到DTO的大部分样板映射(但从来没有相反)。

  • To be frank, you don't even let WCF serialize our DTOs, but use JSON.NET and WCF just send and receive (plain text) JSON, because JSON.NET is simply so much more flexible when it comes to serializing and deserializing data structures. For instance, we use JSON.NET to (de)serialize immutable object structures. Try that with WCF. That will fail miserably.
  • 坦率地说,你甚至不让WCF序列化我们的DTO,但是使用JSON.NET和WCF只发送和接收(纯文本)JSON,因为JSON.NET在序列化和反序列化数据方面简单得多了结构。例如,我们使用JSON.NET(de)序列化不可变对象结构。尝试使用WCF。那将是悲惨的失败。

On top of that we do:


  • The use of View Model classes to add client functionality.
  • 使用View Model类添加客户端功能。

  • Add custom DataAnnotation validations in the contract assembly to allow validations to run on both the client and the server.
  • 在合同程序集中添加自定义DataAnnotation验证,以允许在客户端和服务器上运行验证。

  • Add an IValidator<T> abstraction (of some sort) to allow either server or client specific validations (by placing implementations in either your business layer or client application).
  • 添加IValidator 抽象(某种)以允许服务器或客户端特定的验证(通过在企业层或客户端应用程序中放置实现)。

  • Transport server specific validation errors back to the client using exceptions.
  • 使用异常将服务器特定的验证错误传回客户端。



You could use your Entities still, but create View Models and put your data annotations on these instead. There's a lot of talk about where to put validation in a project. In general it's almost always a given that it needs to occur at the UI and then usually elsewhere too. I'd avoid trying to centralise it, as this never works out (one size rarely fits all).


On the subject of wedging a WCF layer within your solution, unless there is a very good reason for it, I would avoid doing this at all costs. I've seen this sort of thing go wrong many times. It brings a lot of negative effects. In the two commercial cases I have dealt with, you end up with too many endpoints and too much chattiness. It cripples being able to put business logic in your entities and use those methods over-the-wire, makes maintenance a nightmare and without enough hardware and careful design, if hosted on a single server, you may end up having to use named pipes to get the speed you need, which negates any distributed advantage you'd get from using WCF.


You would be best to externalise heavy processing tasks as components that you can host elsewhere and communicate through a smaller, more concise interface. In reality apart from image processing, mathematical and scientific applications, heavy data processing doesn't crop up.




We use WCF in the manner you describe in your post at my current employer. We ended up having DTO classes for WCF and MVC to communicate with and then ViewModels within the MVC application for model binding and validation within the UI.


I agree that having classes that are nearly duplicates of one another and mapping between them is a pain and just seems wrong at some level. From what I've read in the past what we did, and what you may be forced to do, is best practice.


What Adrian proposed above with regard to only having heavy processing done by WCF makes sense as well. Prior to starting my current job I did just that. Most of the business logic was placed in a business layer assembly directly reference by the MVC application. For the few potentially long running processes there were I created WCF services hosted separately that the MVC application communicated with.


Lastly, could you use Web API vs WCF? Web API is lightweight and utilizes HTTP with out all of the overhead that comes with WCF bindings, etc. Additionally, with Web API you could use the same classes the MVC application is using and even utilize model validation within the Web API. This is something I've been working on and becoming more and more common.

最后,您可以使用Web API与WCF吗? Web API是轻量级的,并且利用HTTP来消除WCF绑定等所带来的所有开销。此外,使用Web API,您可以使用MVC应用程序使用的相同类,甚至可以在Web API中使用模型验证。这是我一直在努力并变得越来越普遍的事情。

Hope that helps!




Just like Adrian, I question whether you actually need a WCF service between your DB and an MVC service. This is a much more likely scenario for a client application (Win Forms, WPF) that talks to a database. I'm currently working on a Win Forms project where we use WCF as intermediate layer and we do the following:

就像Adrian一样,我怀疑你的数据库和MVC服务之间是否真的需要一个WCF服务。对于与数据库进行通信的客户端应用程序(Win Forms,WPF),这种情况更为可能。我目前正在开发一个Win Forms项目,我们使用WCF作为中间层,我们执行以下操作:

  • We have an assembly (called 'contract') that is shared between the client and the WCF / BL.
  • 我们有一个在客户端和WCF / BL之间共享的程序集(称为“契约”)。

  • This 'contract' assembly contains all DTOs that are sent over the wire by and to WCF.
  • 该“合同”程序集包含由WCF通过线路发送的所有DTO。

  • We configured the WCF client proxy to use the contract assembly (instead of letting WCF regenerate all DTOs) by setting the 'Reuse types in specified reference assemblies' in the Service Reference Settings.
  • 我们通过在“服务引用设置”中设置“指定引用程序集中的重用类型”,将WCF客户端代理配置为使用合同程序集(而不是让WCF重新生成所有DTO)。

  • We decorate those DTOs with DataAnnotations attributes (and other metadata).
  • 我们使用DataAnnotations属性(和其他元数据)来装饰这些DTO。

  • We don't decorate those DTOs with WCF attributes. WCF doesn't need them to serialize DTOs. They are optional. Leave them out if you can. It just clutters your code.
  • 我们不会使用WCF属性来装饰这些DTO。 WCF不需要它们来序列化DTO。它们是可选的。如果可以,请将它们留下。它只会使你的代码变得混乱。

  • Since the client uses the same assembly we can use DataAnnotations on the client.
  • 由于客户端使用相同的程序集,因此我们可以在客户端上使用DataAnnotations。

  • We validate on the server as well.
  • 我们也在服务器上验证。

  • We use AutoMapper to do most of the boilerplate mapping from entities to DTOs (but never the other way around).
  • 我们使用AutoMapper来完成从实体到DTO的大部分样板映射(但从来没有相反)。

  • To be frank, you don't even let WCF serialize our DTOs, but use JSON.NET and WCF just send and receive (plain text) JSON, because JSON.NET is simply so much more flexible when it comes to serializing and deserializing data structures. For instance, we use JSON.NET to (de)serialize immutable object structures. Try that with WCF. That will fail miserably.
  • 坦率地说,你甚至不让WCF序列化我们的DTO,但是使用JSON.NET和WCF只发送和接收(纯文本)JSON,因为JSON.NET在序列化和反序列化数据方面简单得多了结构。例如,我们使用JSON.NET(de)序列化不可变对象结构。尝试使用WCF。那将是悲惨的失败。

On top of that we do:


  • The use of View Model classes to add client functionality.
  • 使用View Model类添加客户端功能。

  • Add custom DataAnnotation validations in the contract assembly to allow validations to run on both the client and the server.
  • 在合同程序集中添加自定义DataAnnotation验证,以允许在客户端和服务器上运行验证。

  • Add an IValidator<T> abstraction (of some sort) to allow either server or client specific validations (by placing implementations in either your business layer or client application).
  • 添加IValidator 抽象(某种)以允许服务器或客户端特定的验证(通过在企业层或客户端应用程序中放置实现)。

  • Transport server specific validation errors back to the client using exceptions.
  • 使用异常将服务器特定的验证错误传回客户端。



You could use your Entities still, but create View Models and put your data annotations on these instead. There's a lot of talk about where to put validation in a project. In general it's almost always a given that it needs to occur at the UI and then usually elsewhere too. I'd avoid trying to centralise it, as this never works out (one size rarely fits all).


On the subject of wedging a WCF layer within your solution, unless there is a very good reason for it, I would avoid doing this at all costs. I've seen this sort of thing go wrong many times. It brings a lot of negative effects. In the two commercial cases I have dealt with, you end up with too many endpoints and too much chattiness. It cripples being able to put business logic in your entities and use those methods over-the-wire, makes maintenance a nightmare and without enough hardware and careful design, if hosted on a single server, you may end up having to use named pipes to get the speed you need, which negates any distributed advantage you'd get from using WCF.


You would be best to externalise heavy processing tasks as components that you can host elsewhere and communicate through a smaller, more concise interface. In reality apart from image processing, mathematical and scientific applications, heavy data processing doesn't crop up.




We use WCF in the manner you describe in your post at my current employer. We ended up having DTO classes for WCF and MVC to communicate with and then ViewModels within the MVC application for model binding and validation within the UI.


I agree that having classes that are nearly duplicates of one another and mapping between them is a pain and just seems wrong at some level. From what I've read in the past what we did, and what you may be forced to do, is best practice.


What Adrian proposed above with regard to only having heavy processing done by WCF makes sense as well. Prior to starting my current job I did just that. Most of the business logic was placed in a business layer assembly directly reference by the MVC application. For the few potentially long running processes there were I created WCF services hosted separately that the MVC application communicated with.


Lastly, could you use Web API vs WCF? Web API is lightweight and utilizes HTTP with out all of the overhead that comes with WCF bindings, etc. Additionally, with Web API you could use the same classes the MVC application is using and even utilize model validation within the Web API. This is something I've been working on and becoming more and more common.

最后,您可以使用Web API与WCF吗? Web API是轻量级的,并且利用HTTP来消除WCF绑定等所带来的所有开销。此外,使用Web API,您可以使用MVC应用程序使用的相同类,甚至可以在Web API中使用模型验证。这是我一直在努力并变得越来越普遍的事情。

Hope that helps!
