
时间:2022-08-24 15:01:09

I have a script file embedded in the Workspace that contains functions. I would like call these functions from script files embedded in child objects of the Workspace. I don't want to have to copy and paste these functions into multiple script files. I figured the object oriented approach would be best if its possible.


8 个解决方案


An alternative to _G is to use the also globally avaliable table, shared. Shared is used the same way _G is, but you must specify "shared" before the variable identifier, unlike _G, where you can merely write the name of the variable without the _G (not anymore in ROBLOX). Shared is used in the following context:

_G的替代方法是使用也是全局可用的表,共享。 Shared的使用方式与_G相同,但是您必须在变量标识符之前指定“shared”,这与_G不同,在_G中,您只能在没有_G的情况下编写变量的名称(在ROBLOX中不再是)。共享用于以下上下文:

shared["variablename"] = value

Just like in the global stack, _G. Example usage of shared:


Script 1

shared["rprint"] = function(array) for i,v in pairs(array) do print(i, v) end end

Script 2

repeat wait() until shared["rprint"]
shared.rprint({"Hello, ", "How", " are", " you?"})

The output of this script would be "Hello, How are you?"



I found what I was looking for in this tutorial on Exposing public functions written by the notorious jediknightkrazy.



You can make the function global. In one script do this:


_G.myFunction = function() print("Hello World") end

In another script do this:


repeat wait() until myFunction myFunction()

By defining a function is _G you must wait for the script to execute assigning the function, then you can call the function even without specifying _G.


This won't work because, due to ROBLOX updates, you now have to index _G whenever you access items inside it.


You cannot use dofile() in ROBLOX, either, as I saw mentioned above.


In answer to the question: you need to create a function in one script into the global table - _G, by adding _G.MyFunction = function(parameters) end. In another script, you need to access it inside the _G table - _G.MyFunction().

在回答这个问题时:你需要在一个脚本中创建一个函数到全局表中 - _G,通过添加_G.MyFunction = function(参数)结束。在另一个脚本中,您需要在_G表中访问它 - _G.MyFunction()。

A common problem that appears for ROBLOX scripters is that you try to access your function inside _G before it is created. A simple way to solve this is to add a wait until it is created, as suggested from Camoy's post:


repeat wait() until _G.MyFunction() 

Hope this helps! -pighead10

希望这可以帮助! -pighead10


I know it has been said before, but just use the normal _G or shared to access it.


Script one

_G.myFunction = function()
     print("Hello, myFunction!")

Script two

repeat wait() until _G.myFunction()


Hello, myFunction!


You can make the function global. In one script do this:


_G.myFunction = function() print("Hello World") end

In another script do this:


repeat wait() until myFunction myFunction()

By defining a function is _G you must wait for the script to execute assigning the function, then you can call the function even without specifying _G.



The simplest way would be to use _G or shared.


In one script,


_G.myFunction = function(Arguments)

_G.myFunction = function(Arguments)

-- blah


In another script, you would use this code.


repeat wait() until _G.myFunction ~= nil

重复wait()直到_G.myFunction~ = nil


This would also work with the global table shared, instead of _G.



I would use BindableEvents or RemoteEvents. I think this is a better approach than using _G. This will allow you to keep everything local. You can use Bindableevents and RemoteEvents to trigger functions and send as much data as you need back and forth between scripts. Use BindableEvents for server/server communication and RemoteEvents for server/client-client/server communications.

我会使用BindableEvents或RemoteEvents。我认为这比使用_G更好。这将允许您保持本地的一切。您可以使用Bindableevents和RemoteEvents来触发函数,并在脚本之间来回发送所需的数据。使用BindableEvents进行服务器/服务器通信,使用R​​emoteEvents进行服务器/客户端 - 客户端/服务器通信。



You could use Module Scripts which were thankfully added. You could put the functions in there, then call and use them anywhere else!



An alternative to _G is to use the also globally avaliable table, shared. Shared is used the same way _G is, but you must specify "shared" before the variable identifier, unlike _G, where you can merely write the name of the variable without the _G (not anymore in ROBLOX). Shared is used in the following context:

_G的替代方法是使用也是全局可用的表,共享。 Shared的使用方式与_G相同,但是您必须在变量标识符之前指定“shared”,这与_G不同,在_G中,您只能在没有_G的情况下编写变量的名称(在ROBLOX中不再是)。共享用于以下上下文:

shared["variablename"] = value

Just like in the global stack, _G. Example usage of shared:


Script 1

shared["rprint"] = function(array) for i,v in pairs(array) do print(i, v) end end

Script 2

repeat wait() until shared["rprint"]
shared.rprint({"Hello, ", "How", " are", " you?"})

The output of this script would be "Hello, How are you?"



I found what I was looking for in this tutorial on Exposing public functions written by the notorious jediknightkrazy.



You can make the function global. In one script do this:


_G.myFunction = function() print("Hello World") end

In another script do this:


repeat wait() until myFunction myFunction()

By defining a function is _G you must wait for the script to execute assigning the function, then you can call the function even without specifying _G.


This won't work because, due to ROBLOX updates, you now have to index _G whenever you access items inside it.


You cannot use dofile() in ROBLOX, either, as I saw mentioned above.


In answer to the question: you need to create a function in one script into the global table - _G, by adding _G.MyFunction = function(parameters) end. In another script, you need to access it inside the _G table - _G.MyFunction().

在回答这个问题时:你需要在一个脚本中创建一个函数到全局表中 - _G,通过添加_G.MyFunction = function(参数)结束。在另一个脚本中,您需要在_G表中访问它 - _G.MyFunction()。

A common problem that appears for ROBLOX scripters is that you try to access your function inside _G before it is created. A simple way to solve this is to add a wait until it is created, as suggested from Camoy's post:


repeat wait() until _G.MyFunction() 

Hope this helps! -pighead10

希望这可以帮助! -pighead10


I know it has been said before, but just use the normal _G or shared to access it.


Script one

_G.myFunction = function()
     print("Hello, myFunction!")

Script two

repeat wait() until _G.myFunction()


Hello, myFunction!


You can make the function global. In one script do this:


_G.myFunction = function() print("Hello World") end

In another script do this:


repeat wait() until myFunction myFunction()

By defining a function is _G you must wait for the script to execute assigning the function, then you can call the function even without specifying _G.



The simplest way would be to use _G or shared.


In one script,


_G.myFunction = function(Arguments)

_G.myFunction = function(Arguments)

-- blah


In another script, you would use this code.


repeat wait() until _G.myFunction ~= nil

重复wait()直到_G.myFunction~ = nil


This would also work with the global table shared, instead of _G.



I would use BindableEvents or RemoteEvents. I think this is a better approach than using _G. This will allow you to keep everything local. You can use Bindableevents and RemoteEvents to trigger functions and send as much data as you need back and forth between scripts. Use BindableEvents for server/server communication and RemoteEvents for server/client-client/server communications.

我会使用BindableEvents或RemoteEvents。我认为这比使用_G更好。这将允许您保持本地的一切。您可以使用Bindableevents和RemoteEvents来触发函数,并在脚本之间来回发送所需的数据。使用BindableEvents进行服务器/服务器通信,使用R​​emoteEvents进行服务器/客户端 - 客户端/服务器通信。



You could use Module Scripts which were thankfully added. You could put the functions in there, then call and use them anywhere else!
