Just wondering if anyone can help me.
I have an MVC project and in my view I'm using url.action to link to my action. My action can handle 3 optional parameters Category, SubCategory and a Name. But the problem is SubCategory could be Null so I need Name to replace Subcategory in the URL.Action link. I have my code working but I'm wondering if there is a better way of writing this code.
My URL.Action:
if(subcategory == null)
<a href="@Url.Action("Action", "Controller", new { Parameter1 = Category, Parameter2 = subcategory, DataParameter3 = name})">Products</a>
<a href="@Url.Action("Action", "Controller", new { Parameter1 = Category, Parameter2 = name})">Products</a>
Does any one know a better way of doing this??
2 个解决方案
Not sure this is much better, but it seems cleaner in my mind at least...
IDictionary<string, object> GetRouteValues()
var vals = new Dictionary<string, object>();
vals.Add("Parameter1", Category);
if (subcategory != null){
vals.Add("Parameter2", subcategory);
vals.Add("Paremeter3", name);
} else {
vals.Add("Parameter2", name);
return vals;
@Html.ActionLink("Products", "Action", "Controller", GetRouteValues(), null)
It is other way to write <a>
link once. Firstly, check subcategory
is null or not:
string Parameter2 = name;
string DataParameter3 = name;
if(subcategory == null) Parameter2 = subcategory; else Parameter3 = null;
<a href="@Url.Action("Action", "Controller", new { Parameter1 = Category, Parameter2 = Parameter2 , DataParameter3 = DataParameter3 })">Products</a>
And your action may be like this:
public ActionResult Action(Parameter1, Parameter2, DataParameter3 = null )
Not sure this is much better, but it seems cleaner in my mind at least...
IDictionary<string, object> GetRouteValues()
var vals = new Dictionary<string, object>();
vals.Add("Parameter1", Category);
if (subcategory != null){
vals.Add("Parameter2", subcategory);
vals.Add("Paremeter3", name);
} else {
vals.Add("Parameter2", name);
return vals;
@Html.ActionLink("Products", "Action", "Controller", GetRouteValues(), null)
It is other way to write <a>
link once. Firstly, check subcategory
is null or not:
string Parameter2 = name;
string DataParameter3 = name;
if(subcategory == null) Parameter2 = subcategory; else Parameter3 = null;
<a href="@Url.Action("Action", "Controller", new { Parameter1 = Category, Parameter2 = Parameter2 , DataParameter3 = DataParameter3 })">Products</a>
And your action may be like this:
public ActionResult Action(Parameter1, Parameter2, DataParameter3 = null )