I have this problem & I am unable to find the solution for it. This is an example of code where I am trying to route to variable URL routing
$routeProvider.when('/Book', {
template: 'examples/book.html',
controller: BookCntl,
$routeProvider.when('/Book/chapter01', {
template: 'examples/chapter01.html',
controller: ChapterCntl,
If I want to fix the url till /Book/chapter
and 01
can be a variable. Like if user changes 02
or 03
till 100
. Do I need to write the $routeProvider
100 times or can be a simple solution, where I can use the number part as a variable and write single $routeProvider
to handle 01
to 100
如果我想修改url,直到/Book/chapter, 01可以是一个变量。比如用户将02或03更改为100。我是否需要编写$routeProvider 100次,或者可以编写一个简单的解决方案,在这个解决方案中,我可以使用数字部分作为变量,并编写一个$routeProvider来处理01到100?
2 个解决方案
No, you do not need to add 100 seperate route definitions. You add a variable to your url template by adding /:some_variable
, and then you are to fetch that variable by using the $routeParams
$routeProvider.when('/Book/chapter/:chapterid', {
templateUrl: 'examples/chapter-view.html',
controller: ChapterCntl,
And then inject $routeParams
into your controller:
function ChapterCntl($routeParams) {
var chapterId = $routeParams.chapterid;
//use the id to fetch content.
It does seem like you have a different html page for each chapter. If that is the case you can set a function to the template
field to generate the path for the html file:
$routeProvider.when('/Book/chapter/:chapterid', {
template: function(routeParams) {
var id = routeParams.id;
return 'examples/chapter'+id+'.html';
controller: ChapterCntl,
If that case is that you are fetching the data from an API through a service, it might be useful to be using the resolve
field instead. The resolve field will loaded the data and be injectable into the controller. Which means that the data will be loaded before transitioning in to the new route.
$routeProvider.when('/Book/chapter/:chapterid', {
templateUrl: 'examples/chapter-view.html',
controller: ChapterCntl,
//Will run the below function before transitioning into new route.
resolve: {
chapter: function($routeParams, chaptersDataService) {
var id = $routeParams.chapterid;
return chaptersDataService.getChapter(id);
And the inject the chapter into your controller:
function ChapterCntl($scope, chapter) {
$scope.chapter = chapter;
console.log( chapter );
Have you considered UI Route Provider? You could easily use stateparams..
.state('book.chapter', {
url: "/book/chapter/:chapterId",
templateUrl: 'book.chapter.detail.html',
controller: function ($stateParams) {
Sources: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/url-routing#url-parameters http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-router/site/#/api/ui.router.state.$stateProvider
来源:https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/url-routing url参数http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-router/site/ / api / ui.router.state。stateProvider美元
You could also stick with routeprovider in a slightly different way than suggested in other answers.
$routeProvider.when('/Book/:chapter', {
templateUrl : { function (dynamicUrl) {
return '/Book/' + dynamicUrl.chapter + '.html';
controller: 'ChapterCntl'
No, you do not need to add 100 seperate route definitions. You add a variable to your url template by adding /:some_variable
, and then you are to fetch that variable by using the $routeParams
$routeProvider.when('/Book/chapter/:chapterid', {
templateUrl: 'examples/chapter-view.html',
controller: ChapterCntl,
And then inject $routeParams
into your controller:
function ChapterCntl($routeParams) {
var chapterId = $routeParams.chapterid;
//use the id to fetch content.
It does seem like you have a different html page for each chapter. If that is the case you can set a function to the template
field to generate the path for the html file:
$routeProvider.when('/Book/chapter/:chapterid', {
template: function(routeParams) {
var id = routeParams.id;
return 'examples/chapter'+id+'.html';
controller: ChapterCntl,
If that case is that you are fetching the data from an API through a service, it might be useful to be using the resolve
field instead. The resolve field will loaded the data and be injectable into the controller. Which means that the data will be loaded before transitioning in to the new route.
$routeProvider.when('/Book/chapter/:chapterid', {
templateUrl: 'examples/chapter-view.html',
controller: ChapterCntl,
//Will run the below function before transitioning into new route.
resolve: {
chapter: function($routeParams, chaptersDataService) {
var id = $routeParams.chapterid;
return chaptersDataService.getChapter(id);
And the inject the chapter into your controller:
function ChapterCntl($scope, chapter) {
$scope.chapter = chapter;
console.log( chapter );
Have you considered UI Route Provider? You could easily use stateparams..
.state('book.chapter', {
url: "/book/chapter/:chapterId",
templateUrl: 'book.chapter.detail.html',
controller: function ($stateParams) {
Sources: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/url-routing#url-parameters http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-router/site/#/api/ui.router.state.$stateProvider
来源:https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/url-routing url参数http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-router/site/ / api / ui.router.state。stateProvider美元
You could also stick with routeprovider in a slightly different way than suggested in other answers.
$routeProvider.when('/Book/:chapter', {
templateUrl : { function (dynamicUrl) {
return '/Book/' + dynamicUrl.chapter + '.html';
controller: 'ChapterCntl'