Angular - 将选定选项分配/存储到范围变量以供使用

时间:2023-01-21 19:44:58

I have a select option with the options of yes or no.


<select ng-model="selectedAnsw" ng-options="answ.text for answ in answs"></select>

$scope.answs = [
                text: "Yes",
                value: Yes
                text: "No",
                value: no
            } ];

I want to store what the user selects in $scope.selectedAnsw and have it save + populate the select. So if the user selects No and then navigates to a different page and comes back to yes/no page No is preselected because they selected it a bit ago/it was stored. I don't need to keep the selection forever, just during this session. Thinking this might have to do with $rootScope + ng-select.

我想存储用户在$ scope.selectedAnsw中选择的内容并保存+填充select。因此,如果用户选择“否”,然后导航到另一个页面并返回到“是”/“否”页面,则会预先选择“否”,因为他们之前选择了它/它已存储。在本次会议期间,我不需要永远保留选择。认为这可能与$ rootScope + ng-select有关。

1 个解决方案



You can use service to achieve this. Create a service with setter and getter methods. Inject the service in your controller.


Now whenever user selects any option set it in service using setter, and when user comes back to same page, use getter method to get the user selection.


For setting it back to your select box you can take the object from your service and directly assign it to your ng-model.


For e.g

$scope.selectedAnsw = yourServiceValue

$ scope.selectedAnsw = yourServiceValue

Below is simple snippet explaining the use of service.


var app = angular.module("myapp", []);

app.controller("testCntrl", function($scope, storeData) {
  $scope.selectedAnsw = {};

$scope.answs = [
                text: "Yes",
                value: "Yes"
                text: "No",
                value: "no"
            } ];
  $scope.getAns = function() {
    $scope.userAns =  storeData.getUserAns();
  $scope.setAns = function(ans) {
.service("storeData", function(){
  this.setUserAns = function(ans) {
    this.ans = ans;
  this.getUserAns = function() {
    return this.ans;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myapp">
  <div ng-controller="testCntrl">
<select ng-model="selectedAnsw" ng-options="answ.text for answ in answs" ng-change="setAns(selectedAnsw)">
     <option value="" disabled>Select An Answer</option></select>
  <div>User Selected : {{selectedAnsw}}</div>
  <button ng-click="getAns()">Show user selection</button>
  <div>User had Selected : {{userAns}}</div>



You can use service to achieve this. Create a service with setter and getter methods. Inject the service in your controller.


Now whenever user selects any option set it in service using setter, and when user comes back to same page, use getter method to get the user selection.


For setting it back to your select box you can take the object from your service and directly assign it to your ng-model.


For e.g

$scope.selectedAnsw = yourServiceValue

$ scope.selectedAnsw = yourServiceValue

Below is simple snippet explaining the use of service.


var app = angular.module("myapp", []);

app.controller("testCntrl", function($scope, storeData) {
  $scope.selectedAnsw = {};

$scope.answs = [
                text: "Yes",
                value: "Yes"
                text: "No",
                value: "no"
            } ];
  $scope.getAns = function() {
    $scope.userAns =  storeData.getUserAns();
  $scope.setAns = function(ans) {
.service("storeData", function(){
  this.setUserAns = function(ans) {
    this.ans = ans;
  this.getUserAns = function() {
    return this.ans;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myapp">
  <div ng-controller="testCntrl">
<select ng-model="selectedAnsw" ng-options="answ.text for answ in answs" ng-change="setAns(selectedAnsw)">
     <option value="" disabled>Select An Answer</option></select>
  <div>User Selected : {{selectedAnsw}}</div>
  <button ng-click="getAns()">Show user selection</button>
  <div>User had Selected : {{userAns}}</div>