18 使用模板引擎

时间:2022-12-24 19:42:01

1       使用模板引擎

模板存放的只是文本。模板能包括引用变量和groovy代码。groovy的模板引擎提供了createTemplate 方法来实现Strings, Files, Readers or URL,返回的是Template 对象。

Template 对象通常用来创建最终的文本。Template 调用make方法,返回的是Writable,而make方法中传入的是键值对的map,而该map是传入模板的变量名及对应的值。

package template


import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine


class TemplateTest {


    static main(args) {

       String templateText = '''Project report:



           We have currently ${tasks.size} number of items with a total duration of $duration.

           <% tasks.each{%>

              - $it.summary;




       def list = [

           new Task(summary:"Learn Groovy",duration:4),

           new Task(summary:"Learn Grails",duration:12)


       def totalDuration = 0;

       list.each {totalDuration+=it.duration};

       def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine();

       def template = engine.createTemplate(templateText);

       def binding = [




       println (template.make(binding)).toString();






Project report:



           We have currently 2 number of items with a total duration of 16.


              - Learn Groovy;


              - Learn Grails;