I have a UIPickerView and I would like to be notified when the selectRow animation is done.
I tried the following approach in my view controller which has a reference to the UIPickerView and it won't work:
[UIPickerView setAnimationDelegate:self];
[UIPickerView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(animationFin ished:finished:context];
- (void)animationFinishedNSString *)animationID finishedBOOL)finished contextvoid *)context
if (finished) {
Then somewhere in my code, I initiate the animation:
[picker selectRow:random() % pickerDataCount inComponent:0 animated:YES];
3 个解决方案
you need to nest the method call into a beginAnimations/commitAnimation block.
您需要将方法调用嵌套到beginAnimations / commitAnimation块中。
- (void) animationFinished:(NSString *)animationID finished:(BOOL)finished context:(void *)context {
NSLog(@"Here I am");
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
[UIView beginAnimations:@"1" context:nil]; // nil = dummy
[UIPickerView setAnimationDelegate:self];
[UIPickerView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(animationFinished:finished:context:)];
[myPickerView selectRow:0 inComponent:0 animated:YES]; // jump with any swipe in picker always to row=0 as dummy to initiate animation
[UIView commitAnimations];
//...whatever comes in addition...
you could post a notification to self from viewForRow when it asks view for component & row you are interested.
You just need to hold row & component as properties and set them before you call selectRow. And, in viewForRow
if ( (component == [self component] && (row == [self row] ) post a notification to self
if((component == [self component] &&(row == [self row])向self发布通知
I solved it with a mix out of different Answers mentioned here. The behaviour will be that it will wait until the scrolling finished and then save the selected value.
Create two variables, which store the scrolling state and the should save state. In the didSet you will check, if the the save button has been pressed while the picker is scrolling. If yes, call save after the picker has finished scrolling.
var shouldSave = false var pickerViewIsScrolling = false { didSet { if !pickerViewIsScrolling && shouldSave { save() } } }
To recognize if the picker is scrolling, add
pickerViewIsScrolling = true
in theviewForRow
method of the picker.要识别选择器是否正在滚动,请在选择器的viewForRow方法中添加pickerViewIsScrolling = true。
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, viewForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int, reusing view: UIView?) -> UIView { pickerViewIsScrolling = true ... }
To recognize if the picker has stopped scrolling add
pickerViewIsScrolling = false
to thedidSelectRow
of the picker.要识别选择器是否已停止滚动,请将pickerViewIsScrolling = false添加到选择器的didSelectRow。
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) { pickerViewIsScrolling = false ... }
In your
function add the following to check wether the picker is scrolling (and save after it stopped) or is not scrolling and save directly.在你的save()函数中添加以下内容以检查选择器是否滚动(并在停止后保存)或者不滚动并直接保存。
func save() { if(pickerViewIsScrolling){ shouldSave = true return } // Save the Data... }
And finally add to your
function this line to catch thepickerViewIsScrolling = true
of the initial generated views.最后添加到viewDidAppear函数这一行,以捕获初始生成视图的pickerViewIsScrolling = true。
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) pickerViewIsScrolling = false ... }
This works fine for me. I also implemented the deactivation of the button while save was pressed and it is waiting for the scrolling to finish. So the user won't be confused why nothing is happening until the scrolling stops.
you need to nest the method call into a beginAnimations/commitAnimation block.
您需要将方法调用嵌套到beginAnimations / commitAnimation块中。
- (void) animationFinished:(NSString *)animationID finished:(BOOL)finished context:(void *)context {
NSLog(@"Here I am");
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
[UIView beginAnimations:@"1" context:nil]; // nil = dummy
[UIPickerView setAnimationDelegate:self];
[UIPickerView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(animationFinished:finished:context:)];
[myPickerView selectRow:0 inComponent:0 animated:YES]; // jump with any swipe in picker always to row=0 as dummy to initiate animation
[UIView commitAnimations];
//...whatever comes in addition...
you could post a notification to self from viewForRow when it asks view for component & row you are interested.
You just need to hold row & component as properties and set them before you call selectRow. And, in viewForRow
if ( (component == [self component] && (row == [self row] ) post a notification to self
if((component == [self component] &&(row == [self row])向self发布通知
I solved it with a mix out of different Answers mentioned here. The behaviour will be that it will wait until the scrolling finished and then save the selected value.
Create two variables, which store the scrolling state and the should save state. In the didSet you will check, if the the save button has been pressed while the picker is scrolling. If yes, call save after the picker has finished scrolling.
var shouldSave = false var pickerViewIsScrolling = false { didSet { if !pickerViewIsScrolling && shouldSave { save() } } }
To recognize if the picker is scrolling, add
pickerViewIsScrolling = true
in theviewForRow
method of the picker.要识别选择器是否正在滚动,请在选择器的viewForRow方法中添加pickerViewIsScrolling = true。
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, viewForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int, reusing view: UIView?) -> UIView { pickerViewIsScrolling = true ... }
To recognize if the picker has stopped scrolling add
pickerViewIsScrolling = false
to thedidSelectRow
of the picker.要识别选择器是否已停止滚动,请将pickerViewIsScrolling = false添加到选择器的didSelectRow。
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) { pickerViewIsScrolling = false ... }
In your
function add the following to check wether the picker is scrolling (and save after it stopped) or is not scrolling and save directly.在你的save()函数中添加以下内容以检查选择器是否滚动(并在停止后保存)或者不滚动并直接保存。
func save() { if(pickerViewIsScrolling){ shouldSave = true return } // Save the Data... }
And finally add to your
function this line to catch thepickerViewIsScrolling = true
of the initial generated views.最后添加到viewDidAppear函数这一行,以捕获初始生成视图的pickerViewIsScrolling = true。
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) pickerViewIsScrolling = false ... }
This works fine for me. I also implemented the deactivation of the button while save was pressed and it is waiting for the scrolling to finish. So the user won't be confused why nothing is happening until the scrolling stops.