I am trying to deserialize the following JSon string so that I can capture the values in a b c d ...
我试图反序列化以下JSon字符串,以便我可以捕获b c d中的值...
"2012-11-26 20:34:12": {
"a": 65,
"b": -1,
"c": "2012-11-26 20:34:12",
"d": -1,
"e": 0,
"f": -112.3211156215747,
"g": 33.57955864376957
JSonlint says that is valid JSon data, but what kind of class would I create in C# to use the JSON.NET JsonConverter to deserialize it ?
JSonlint说这是有效的JSon数据,但是我在C#中创建什么类来使用JSON.NET JsonConverter对其进行反序列化?
I am going to get more data like this and the key will vary ( currently shown as "2012-11-26 20:34:12" ) which is the part that is confusing me.
我将获得更多这样的数据,密钥会有所不同(目前显示为“2012-11-26 20:34:12”),这是令我困惑的部分。
Any sample code to get me started would be greatly appreciated
1 个解决方案
You don't need any class
var obj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
var dict = obj.First.First.Children().Cast<JProperty>()
.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p =>p.Value);
var dt = (string)dict["c"];
var d = (double)dict["g"];
You don't need any class
var obj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
var dict = obj.First.First.Children().Cast<JProperty>()
.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p =>p.Value);
var dt = (string)dict["c"];
var d = (double)dict["g"];