
时间:2022-08-23 00:23:52

I have copied the function below from an existing answer by Dmitriy Pichugin. This function can deep clone an object without any circular references- it works.

我从Dmitriy Pichugin的现有答案中复制了下面的功能。此函数可以深度克隆对象而无需任何循环引用 - 它可以工作。

function deepClone( obj ) {
    if( !obj || true == obj ) //this also handles boolean as true and false
        return obj;
    var objType = typeof( obj );
    if( "number" == objType || "string" == objType ) // add your immutables here
        return obj;
    var result = Array.isArray( obj ) ? [] : !obj.constructor ? {} : new obj.constructor();
    if( obj instanceof Map )
        for( var key of obj.keys() )
            result.set( key, deepClone( obj.get( key ) ) );
    for( var key in obj )
    if( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) )
            result[key] = deepClone( obj[ key ] );
    return result;

However, my program loops indefinitely and I have realised that this is due to a circular reference.


An example of a circular reference:


function A() {}
function B() {}

var a = new A();
var b = new B();

a.b = b;
b.a = a;

3 个解决方案



I would suggest to use a Map to map objects in the source with their copy in the destination. In fact, I ended up using WeakMap as suggested by Bergi. Whenever a source object is in the map, its corresponding copy is returned instead of recursing further.


At the same time some of the code in the original deepClone code can be optimised further:


  • The first part testing for primitive values has a small issue: it treats new Number(1) differently from new Number(2). This is because of the == in the first if. It should be changed to ===. But really, the first few lines of code seem then equivalent to this test: Object(obj) !== obj

    对原始值进行测试的第一部分有一个小问题:它将新数字(1)与新数字(2)区别对待。这是因为第一个if中的==。它应该改为===。但实际上,前几行代码似乎等同于这个测试:Object(obj)!== obj

  • I also rewrote some for loops into more functional expressions


This needs ES6 support:


function deepClone(obj, hash = new WeakMap()) {
    // Do not try to clone primitives or functions
    if (Object(obj) !== obj || obj instanceof Function) return obj;
    if (hash.has(obj)) return hash.get(obj); // Cyclic reference
    try { // Try to run constructor (without arguments, as we don't know them)
        var result = new obj.constructor();
    } catch(e) { // Constructor failed, create object without running the constructor
        result = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj));
    // Optional: support for some standard constructors (extend as desired)
    if (obj instanceof Map)
        Array.from(obj, ([key, val]) => result.set(deepClone(key, hash), 
                                                   deepClone(val, hash)) );
    else if (obj instanceof Set)
        Array.from(obj, (key) => result.add(deepClone(key, hash)) );
    // Register in hash    
    hash.set(obj, result);
    // Clone and assign enumerable own properties recursively
    return Object.assign(result, ...Object.keys(obj).map (
        key => ({ [key]: deepClone(obj[key], hash) }) ));
// Sample data
function A() {}
function B() {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
a.b = b;
b.a = a;
// Test it
var c = deepClone(a);
console.log('a' in c.b.a.b); // true



Since object cloning has a lot of pitfalls (circular references, proto chains, Set/Map, etc)
I suggest you to use one of well-tested popular solutions.

由于对象克隆存在很多陷阱(循环引用,原型链,Set / Map等),我建议您使用经过充分测试的流行解决方案之一。

Like, lodash's _.cloneDeep or 'clone' npm module.




You can store the references and results in separate arrays and when you find a property with the same reference you just need to return the cached result.


function deepClone(o) {
    var references = [];
    var cachedResults = [];

    function clone(obj) {
        if (typeof obj !== 'object')
            return obj;
        var index = references.indexOf(obj);
        if (index !== -1)
            return cachedResults[index];
        var result = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] :
            obj.constructor ? new obj.constructor() : {};
        for (var key in obj)
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
                result[key] = clone(obj[key]);
        return result;
    return clone(o);

I removed the map and some of the other type comparisons to make it more readable.


Check @trincot's solid ES6 answer if you can target modern browsers.

如果您可以定位现代浏览器,请查看@ trincot的可靠ES6答案。



I would suggest to use a Map to map objects in the source with their copy in the destination. In fact, I ended up using WeakMap as suggested by Bergi. Whenever a source object is in the map, its corresponding copy is returned instead of recursing further.


At the same time some of the code in the original deepClone code can be optimised further:


  • The first part testing for primitive values has a small issue: it treats new Number(1) differently from new Number(2). This is because of the == in the first if. It should be changed to ===. But really, the first few lines of code seem then equivalent to this test: Object(obj) !== obj

    对原始值进行测试的第一部分有一个小问题:它将新数字(1)与新数字(2)区别对待。这是因为第一个if中的==。它应该改为===。但实际上,前几行代码似乎等同于这个测试:Object(obj)!== obj

  • I also rewrote some for loops into more functional expressions


This needs ES6 support:


function deepClone(obj, hash = new WeakMap()) {
    // Do not try to clone primitives or functions
    if (Object(obj) !== obj || obj instanceof Function) return obj;
    if (hash.has(obj)) return hash.get(obj); // Cyclic reference
    try { // Try to run constructor (without arguments, as we don't know them)
        var result = new obj.constructor();
    } catch(e) { // Constructor failed, create object without running the constructor
        result = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj));
    // Optional: support for some standard constructors (extend as desired)
    if (obj instanceof Map)
        Array.from(obj, ([key, val]) => result.set(deepClone(key, hash), 
                                                   deepClone(val, hash)) );
    else if (obj instanceof Set)
        Array.from(obj, (key) => result.add(deepClone(key, hash)) );
    // Register in hash    
    hash.set(obj, result);
    // Clone and assign enumerable own properties recursively
    return Object.assign(result, ...Object.keys(obj).map (
        key => ({ [key]: deepClone(obj[key], hash) }) ));
// Sample data
function A() {}
function B() {}
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
a.b = b;
b.a = a;
// Test it
var c = deepClone(a);
console.log('a' in c.b.a.b); // true



Since object cloning has a lot of pitfalls (circular references, proto chains, Set/Map, etc)
I suggest you to use one of well-tested popular solutions.

由于对象克隆存在很多陷阱(循环引用,原型链,Set / Map等),我建议您使用经过充分测试的流行解决方案之一。

Like, lodash's _.cloneDeep or 'clone' npm module.




You can store the references and results in separate arrays and when you find a property with the same reference you just need to return the cached result.


function deepClone(o) {
    var references = [];
    var cachedResults = [];

    function clone(obj) {
        if (typeof obj !== 'object')
            return obj;
        var index = references.indexOf(obj);
        if (index !== -1)
            return cachedResults[index];
        var result = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] :
            obj.constructor ? new obj.constructor() : {};
        for (var key in obj)
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
                result[key] = clone(obj[key]);
        return result;
    return clone(o);

I removed the map and some of the other type comparisons to make it more readable.


Check @trincot's solid ES6 answer if you can target modern browsers.

如果您可以定位现代浏览器,请查看@ trincot的可靠ES6答案。