为什么在尝试编译此代码时会收到错误“error:unknown type name'virtual'”?

时间:2021-04-09 19:43:45


struct IRenderingEngine {
    virtual void Initialize(int width, int height) = 0;
    virtual void Render() const = 0;
    virtual void UpdateAnimation(float timeStep) = 0;
    virtual void OnRotate(DeviceOrientation newOrientation) = 0;
    virtual ~IRenderingEngine() {}

Learning opengles from a book for 3d iphone programming and it uses this example code but the book is targeted for xcode 3.x

从一本书中学习用于3d iphone编程的opengles,它使用了这个示例代码,但本书的目标是xcode 3.x.

Somehow I feel like its something with xcode 4....

不知何故,我觉得它与xcode 4的东西....


Heres the actual error:


/Users/Dan/Documents/opengles/Hello Arrow/Hello Arrow/IRenderingEngine.hpp:27:2: error: unknown type name 'virtual' [1]

/ Users / Dan / Documents / opengles / Hello Arrow / Hello Arrow / IRenderingEngine.hpp:27:2:错误:未知类型名称'virtual'[1]

And that legitamtely is all that it takes to fail to compile, absolutely no other files. (Yes I've tried compiling with literally a main.m and this hpp file)

合法的是无法编译所需的全部内容,绝对没有其他文件。 (是的,我尝试使用字面上的main.m和这个hpp文件进行编译)

It is recognizing the hpp file as a cpp header file though, if I try to add it to the compiled files it says that "no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/Hello Arrow/IRenderingEngine.hpp' of type sourcecode.cpp.h for architecture i386" so I really have no idea what is going on

它将hpp文件识别为cpp头文件,但如果我尝试将其添加到编译文件中,则表示“没有规则处理文件'$(PROJECT_DIR)/ Hello Arrow / IRenderingEngine.hpp'类型为sourcecode.cpp .h for architecture i386“所以我真的不知道发生了什么

Note that I compiled with main.m meaning I compiled another Cocoa/Foundation based application

请注意,我使用main.m编译意味着我编译了另一个基于Cocoa / Foundation的应用程序

I tried compiling for a c++ application and everything worked out just fine.... Similarly compiling with a main.mm test file worked fine too

我尝试编译一个c ++应用程序,一切都很顺利....同样使用main.mm测试文件进行编译工作正常

heres the actual project, lemme know how insane I really am:


[Removed considering I lost the file]


7 个解决方案



Please rename the main.m to main.mm. This worked for me.




If you're using Xcode 4, try changing the name of file "AppDelegate.m" to "AppDelegate.mm". It works for me.

如果您正在使用Xcode 4,请尝试将文件名“AppDelegate.m”更改为“AppDelegate.mm”。这个对我有用。



Changing the name of file "AppDelegate.m" to "AppDelegate.mm". It's correct!




I moved the #import "IRenderingEngine.hpp" line from the GLView.h file to the GLView.mm - this prevented it from being imported into the main.m and HelloArrowAppDelegate.m files when they were compiled - and restricted the import into the .mm file, that could handle the C++.

我将#import“IRenderingEngine.hpp”行从GLView.h文件移动到GLView.mm - 这阻止了它们在编译时被导入main.m和HelloArrowAppDelegate.m文件 - 并限制导入到.mm文件,可以处理C ++。

I also had to make a couple of other fixes for bugs I'd introduced when typing in the code - so apologies if that wasn't the only thing that needed to be done, but it might help those with similar problems!

我还必须为我在输入代码时引入的错误做一些其他修复 - 如果这不是唯一需要完成的事情,那么道歉,但它可能会帮助那些有类似问题的人!



if you call C++ files ( even if you only import them ) you need to change the .m file that call's it to .mm

如果你调用C ++文件(即使你只导入它们),你需要更改调用它的.m文件.mm



This is just a stupid guess since I've never tried compiling something with the word virtual in a C compiler... but is there any chance that you were trying to compile this C++ code as C code? That's the only reason I can think of that a compiler wouldn't understand the keyword virtual.

这只是一个愚蠢的猜测,因为我从来没有尝试在C编译器中使用virtual这个词进行编译......但是你有没有机会尝试将这个C ++代码编译为C代码?这是我能想到编译器无法理解关键字virtual的唯一原因。



The header <stdlib.h> is not the right one to use in a C++ program. When I replaced it with the c++ version of C's stdio library <cstdlib> then your code compiled for me.

头文件 不适合在C ++程序中使用。当我用C的stdio库 的c ++版本替换它时,你的代码就为我编译了。



Please rename the main.m to main.mm. This worked for me.




If you're using Xcode 4, try changing the name of file "AppDelegate.m" to "AppDelegate.mm". It works for me.

如果您正在使用Xcode 4,请尝试将文件名“AppDelegate.m”更改为“AppDelegate.mm”。这个对我有用。



Changing the name of file "AppDelegate.m" to "AppDelegate.mm". It's correct!




I moved the #import "IRenderingEngine.hpp" line from the GLView.h file to the GLView.mm - this prevented it from being imported into the main.m and HelloArrowAppDelegate.m files when they were compiled - and restricted the import into the .mm file, that could handle the C++.

我将#import“IRenderingEngine.hpp”行从GLView.h文件移动到GLView.mm - 这阻止了它们在编译时被导入main.m和HelloArrowAppDelegate.m文件 - 并限制导入到.mm文件,可以处理C ++。

I also had to make a couple of other fixes for bugs I'd introduced when typing in the code - so apologies if that wasn't the only thing that needed to be done, but it might help those with similar problems!

我还必须为我在输入代码时引入的错误做一些其他修复 - 如果这不是唯一需要完成的事情,那么道歉,但它可能会帮助那些有类似问题的人!



if you call C++ files ( even if you only import them ) you need to change the .m file that call's it to .mm

如果你调用C ++文件(即使你只导入它们),你需要更改调用它的.m文件.mm



This is just a stupid guess since I've never tried compiling something with the word virtual in a C compiler... but is there any chance that you were trying to compile this C++ code as C code? That's the only reason I can think of that a compiler wouldn't understand the keyword virtual.

这只是一个愚蠢的猜测,因为我从来没有尝试在C编译器中使用virtual这个词进行编译......但是你有没有机会尝试将这个C ++代码编译为C代码?这是我能想到编译器无法理解关键字virtual的唯一原因。



The header <stdlib.h> is not the right one to use in a C++ program. When I replaced it with the c++ version of C's stdio library <cstdlib> then your code compiled for me.

头文件 不适合在C ++程序中使用。当我用C的stdio库 的c ++版本替换它时,你的代码就为我编译了。