
时间:2022-06-01 12:56:36

I have an IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2. It has the Basic, Anonymous and Windows Authentication modes enabled. I have hosted a restful WCF service in it.

我在Windows Server 2008 R2上安装了IIS 7.5。它启用了基本,匿名和Windows身份验证模式。我在其中托管了一个宁静的WCF服务。

I make an http request with Authorization header from my client within the LAN/VPN, all goes well. On the service side I could see that the OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders contains the Authorization header with the right value.

我在LAN / VPN中使用来自我的客户端的授权标头发出http请求,一切顺利。在服务端,我可以看到OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders包含具有正确值的Authorization标头。

When I attempt to do the same from outside the LAN/VPN, (I used a different Internet connection and also a public proxy), the OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders seems to have missing Authorization header.

当我尝试从LAN / VPN外部执行相同操作时(我使用了不同的Internet连接以及公共代理),OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders似乎缺少Authorization标头。

I am unsure as to what exactly removes the header. I suspect a misconfigured IIS. Any clues?


1 个解决方案



If you want your service to always do windows authentication as the question seems to suggest, remove disable all other auth modes in IIS, requests from LAN are passing probably because people requesting it are from the same domain, in an internet (putting this simply) will go for the least required auth mode, which in this case would be anonymous.




If you want your service to always do windows authentication as the question seems to suggest, remove disable all other auth modes in IIS, requests from LAN are passing probably because people requesting it are from the same domain, in an internet (putting this simply) will go for the least required auth mode, which in this case would be anonymous.
