
时间:2021-08-24 19:41:20

I want to send an HTTP request every fifteen seconds, e.g.:


  1. Send an HTTP request to the first user at T+0 (e.g. 10:00:00 AM)
  2. 在T + 0向第一个用户发送HTTP请求(例如,上午10:00:00)

  3. Send the same HTTP request to user 2 at T+15sec (e.g. 10:00:15 AM)
  4. 在T + 15秒(例如上午10:00:15)向用户2发送相同的HTTP请求

  5. Send this request to user 3 at T+30
  6. 在T + 30将此请求发送给用户3

1 个解决方案


If you want to start the test at a specific time, you can use JMeter scheduler. If the Start Time is future time, JMeter will wait & start the test @ that time.


If you need to add users for every 15 seconds, use the Ramp Up period. For ex: total no of users are going to be 10, you need 1 user for every 15 seconds, ramp up period should be 150 seconds (15*10).

如果需要每15秒添加一次用户,请使用“加速”时间段。例如:用户总数不会是10,每15秒需要1个用户,加速时间应为150秒(15 * 10)。


If you want to start the test at a specific time, you can use JMeter scheduler. If the Start Time is future time, JMeter will wait & start the test @ that time.


If you need to add users for every 15 seconds, use the Ramp Up period. For ex: total no of users are going to be 10, you need 1 user for every 15 seconds, ramp up period should be 150 seconds (15*10).

如果需要每15秒添加一次用户,请使用“加速”时间段。例如:用户总数不会是10,每15秒需要1个用户,加速时间应为150秒(15 * 10)。