什么是数据库? 简单的说,数据库就是一个存放数据的仓库,这个仓库是按照一定的数据结构(数据结构是指数据的组织形式或数据之间的联系)来组织,存储的,我们可以通过数据库提供的多种方法来管理数据库里的数据 更简单的理解形象,数据库和我们生活追踪存放杂物的储物间仓库性质一样,区别只是存放的东西不通,杂物间存放实体的物件,而数据库里存储的是数据,这样我们就对数据库有一个初步了解了。 数据库诞生于1950年,随着信息技术的发展和人类社会的不断进步,特别是2000年后,数据库不在仅仅是存储和管理数据了,而转变成用户所需要的各种数据管理的方式,数据库有很多种类和功能,从最简单的存储有各种数据的表格到能够进行海量数据存储的大型数据库系统都在各个方面得到了广泛的应用。关系型数据库
非关系型数据库也称之为nosql数据库,请注意,nosql的本意是“not only SQL”,指的是非关系型数据库,而不是“no SQL”的意思,因此nosql的产生并不是要彻底否定关系型数据库,而是作为传统关系型数据库的一个有效补充,NoSQL数据库在特定的场景下可以发挥出难以想象的高效率和高性能。
Redis, mongodb也逐渐的越来越受到各大中小型企业的欢迎和追捧.
- 易于维护:都是使用表结构,格式一致;
- 使用方便:SQL语言通用,可用于复杂查询;
- 复杂操作:支持SQL,可用于一个表以及多个表之间非常复杂的查询。
- 读写性能比较差,尤其是海量数据的高效率读写;
- 固定的表结构,灵活度稍欠;
- 高并发读写需求,传统关系型数据库来说,硬盘I/O是一个很大的瓶颈。
- 格式灵活:存储数据的格式可以是key,value形式、文档形式、图片形式等等,文档形式、图片形式等等,使用灵活,应用场景广泛,而关系型数据库则只支持基础类型。
- 速度快:nosql可以使用硬盘或者随机存储器作为载体,而关系型数据库只能使用硬盘;
- 高扩展性;
- 成本低:nosql数据库部署简单,基本都是开源软件。
- 不提供sql支持,学习和使用成本较高;
- 无事务处理;
- 数据结构相对复杂,复杂查询方面稍欠。
MariaDB跟MySQL在绝大多数方面是兼容的,对于开发者来说,几乎感觉不到任何不同。目前MariaDB是发展最快的MySQL分支版本,新版本发布速度已经超过了Oracle官方的MySQL版本。 在Oracle控制下的MySQL开发,有两个主要问题:1. MySQL核心开发团队是封闭的,完全没有Oracle之外的成员参加。很多高手即使有心做贡献,也没办法做到。2. MySQL新版本的发布速度,在Oracle收购Sun之后大为减缓。Widenius有一个ppt,用数据比较了收购之前和之后新版本的发布速度。有很多bugfix和新的feature,都没有及时加入到发布版本之中。RDBMS
Relational Database Management System
- sql语句主要分为:
- DQL:数据查询语言,用于对数据进行查询,如select
- DML:数据库操作语言,对数据库进行增删改查,如:insert,update,delete
- TPL:事物处理语言,对事物进行处理,包括begin,transaction,commit,rollback
- DCL:数据控制语言,如grant,revoke
- DDL:数据定义语言:进行数据库,表的管理等,如create,drop
- CCL:指针控制语言,通过控制指针完成表的操作,如declare cursor
- sql是一门特殊的语言,专门用来操作关系型数据库
- 不区分大小写
name = MariaDB
baseurl = http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/mariadb/yum/10.3/centos7-amd64/
vim /etc/my.conf.d/server.conf
mysql -uroot | mysql -u root -p
mysql_secure_installation #安装后的设定
-u ,--user=
-h ,--host=
-p ,--password=
-P ,--port=
-D ,--database=
-e ‘SQL;SQL‘ #命令行执行sql语句的操作选项
mysql -h -P8066 -utestuser1 -ptestuser1 (可以执行增删改查)
mysql -h -P9066 -utestuser1 -ptestuser1 (可以查看节点状态) mysql -uroot -proot -h -P3306 -D mysql -e ‘show tables;‘
show global variables; #获取mysql进程的各项服务参数及比例
show create database testdb;
alter database testdb character set utf8;
show create database testdb;
grant all on *.* to [email protected]‘%’ identified by ‘123‘;
grant all on mysql.testtable to [email protected]‘%’ identified by ‘123’;
revoke all privileges on *.* from test; mysql -utest -p123
show databases;
show grants;
show grants for test;
show grants for [email protected];
mysql -uroot -proot -e "show databases;use mysql;show tables;" create database aaa;
show creata database aaa;
drop database aaa;
show database;
create database kkk character set utf8;
show create database kkk;
alter database kkk character set utf8;
select user(); #查看当前的用户 show databases;
use mysql;
show tables;
desc user; #user表存放用户信息
select * from user;
select host,user,password from user; grant all privileges on mysql.user to [email protected] identified by ‘user520‘;
revoke all privileges on msyql.user from [email protected]; grant create,select,alter on msyql.user to [email protected] identified by ‘ken‘;
show grants for [email protected];
show grants; use mysql;
update user set password=password(‘root‘) where user=‘root‘;
flush privileges; --显示当前时间
select now();
--创建class表(id name两个字段)
use testdb;
create table class (
id tinyint unsigned primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(20)
); desc class; --创建一个students表(id,name,age,high,gender,cls_id)
create table students (
id smallint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(22),
age tinyint unsigned default 0,
high decimal(5,2),
gender enum(‘male‘,‘female‘,‘secret‘) default ‘secret‘,
cls_id tinyint unsigned
); desc students; --修改表,添加字段
alter table students add birth datetime;
alter table students modify birth date;
alter table students change birth birthday date; alter table students add birthday datetime;
desc students;
alter table students modify birthday date;
desc students;
alter table students change birthday birth datatime;
drop table classes; #删除classes表
alter table students drop birth;
desc students; select * from students;
select id,age,name from students; --给表添加值
insert into students values (1,‘ken‘,23,170,‘male‘,1);
insert into students values (0,‘ken1‘,23,170,‘male‘,1),(0,‘ken2‘,23,170,‘male‘,1);
select * from students; insert into students values (0,‘pheb‘,24,176.250,’male‘,1);
insert into students values (default,‘pheb‘,24,176.250,’male‘,1);
insert into students values (null,‘pheb‘,24,176.250,’male‘,1);
--三种情况都是走primary-key的默认值 insert into students values (10,‘pheb‘,24,176.250,’male‘,1);
insert into students values (0,‘pheb‘,24,176.250,’male‘,1);
--这个时候再插入数据的时候,就会默认从11开始 select * from students;
show create table students; #可以看到auto_increment的值
insert into students (name,age,high) values ("joy",23,176.24); #如果有些不能为空的字段没有默认值会报错 delete from students where id=1;
select * from students;
delete from students; #会清空这张表 delete from students where name=‘joy‘;
select * from students; alter table students add is_delete bit(1);
bit(2): 00 01 10 11
truncate table students; #不可恢复的删除
delete from students; #可以恢复 delete 删除自增还在,但是如果使用truncate来删除,自增归零。
select * from students where is_delete=1; update students set is_delete=1 where name=‘joy‘;
Update students set age=22,class=6 where id=10; G 使用竖排去查看,如果横排太乱。
--主键字段可以使用 0 null default 来占位。
--delete from 表名 where 条件 --MyIsam和Innodb区别
--update 表名 set 列1=值1,列2=值2..... where 条件;
update students set age=100,cls_id=3 where id=10;
update students set age=100,cls_id=3 where id<=10;
update students set cls_id=null where id<=6; 数据库查询操作: select name as "姓名",age as “年龄” from students; #只是为了显示阅读的方便,没有更改数据库。
select students.name from students;
select s.name from students as s; #起别名常用于关联查询 select distinct age from students; #消除重复项 --条件查询
select * from students where id < 22;
select * from students where age > 38;
select * from students where age > 18 and age < 30;
select * from students where age <= 23;
select * from students where age >= 18 && age <= 38;
select * from students where age < 18 || age > 33;
select * from students where age between 18 and 28; #头和尾都包含了。
select * from students where age > 18 || high > 170; --模糊查询
select * from students where name like ‘%锋‘; #%就相当于shell中的*
select * from students where name like ‘%霆%‘;
select * from students where name like ‘__‘; #一个下划线表示一个字
select * from students where name like ‘__%‘;
select * from students where age=16 or age=22;
select * from students where age in (18,34,55,66,22);
select * from students where age not between 18 and 33; --查询空不能使用=null来查询,update中set使用=null可行
select * from students where high is null;
select * from students where high=175 and name="joy";
select * from students where high=175 or name="joy";
select * from students where high is not null; --排序
select * from students order by age; #默认从小到大排列
select * from students order by age desc; #descent 降序排列
select * from students order by age desc,high desc;
select * from students order by age asc; select * from students where age between 18 and 33 and gender=‘male‘ order by age asc;
select * from students where age between 18 and 33 and gender=1 order by age desc;
select * from students; #查询后会有一个总的行数统计,这个统计是准确的。
--但是这种查询来看总的行数的方式很可能会出现问题,一旦数据量较大,那么会出现卡死的现象,也就是说select * from students实际上会将
select count(name) from students;
select count(*) from students; #这种统计方式很准确,只要任意一个字段占一行都算。
select count(high) from students; #可能会少几行,如果有null的情况。
select count(*) as ’total‘ from students; --查询最大
select max(age) from students;
select name,max(age) from students; #这条查询语句发生了错位,姓名和max不匹配
select max(age)as ‘max’ from students; #实际上没有办法用max去查询对应的数据 select * from students where age=100;
select min(age) from students;
select min(age) from students where gender=2;
select max(age) from students where gender=1;
select max(age) from students where gender=2; select sum(age) from students;
select sum(age)/count(age) from students;
select sum(age)/count(age) as ‘average‘ from students;
select round(sum(age)/count(age),2) as ‘average‘ from students;
select round(avg(high),2) as ‘avg‘ from students; #使用avg自动剔除了空项
select sum(high) from students; --分组
select distinct gender from students; #查询不重复的
select gender from students gourp by gender;
select gender,count(*) from students group by gender; #统计各组性别的人数。
select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender;
select gender,group_concat(name,age) from students group by gender;
select gender,group_concat(name,‘|‘,age,‘|‘,high) from students group by gender;
select gender,group_concat(name,‘|‘,age,‘|‘,high) from students where gender=1 group by gender;
select gender,group_concat(name,‘|‘,age,‘|‘,high) from students where gender=2 group by gender; select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having avg(age)>=40;
select gender,avg(age) from students group by gender having avg(age)>=50;
select gender,avg(age) from students group by gender having avg(age)>=10; #这里的having使用where不符合语法规则。
select gender ,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having count(*)>3; --分页显示
select * from students limit 2;
select * from students limit 0,2;
select * from students limit 2,2; #limit 2 与 limit 2,2 区别在于分页
select * from students limit 4,2;
select * from students limit 6,2; #从6行之后的两行 select * from students where gender=2 order by high desc limit 0,1;
select * from students where gender=2 order by high desc limit 2,1;
select * from students where gender=2 order by high desc limit 3,1;
select * from students where high is null;
update students set high=null where id=1;