
时间:2022-08-22 14:00:02

I have a set (2 or more) of coordinates with a given Latitude and Longitude. How to compute the Upper Left Corner and Lower Down Corner of a bounding box on the map in Java


1 个解决方案



You could cheat and use Rectangle2D.Double. You can Point2D objects to it. This give you the upper limit (x+width/y+height) and lower limit (x/y)

你可以作弊并使用Rectangle2D.Double。你可以Point2D对象。这给你上限(x +宽度/ y +高度)和下限(x / y)

When all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails - sorry if this is quite what your looking for, it's just what came to mind

当你拥有的只是一把锤子时,你所有的问题看起来都像指甲 - 对不起,如果这是你想要的,那就是我想到的



You could cheat and use Rectangle2D.Double. You can Point2D objects to it. This give you the upper limit (x+width/y+height) and lower limit (x/y)

你可以作弊并使用Rectangle2D.Double。你可以Point2D对象。这给你上限(x +宽度/ y +高度)和下限(x / y)

When all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails - sorry if this is quite what your looking for, it's just what came to mind

当你拥有的只是一把锤子时,你所有的问题看起来都像指甲 - 对不起,如果这是你想要的,那就是我想到的