除了特定字符之间的出现之外,Javascript / jQuery从字符串中删除所有字符

时间:2022-08-22 13:04:25

Using efvss 3452 XT-123454 ghhs444d efvss XT-6336 ghhsd efq435vss XT-554 ghhsd efvss XT-23427 ghhs55d efvss XT-24 as an example string I want to remove all characters except for the the parts containing XT-number (eg. XT-123454).

使用efvss 3452 XT-123454 ghhs444d efvss XT-6336 ghhsd efq435vss XT-554 ghhsd efvss XT-23427 ghhs55d efvss XT-24作为示例字符串我想删除除包含XT编号的部分之外的所有字符(例如XT- 123454)。

I have this code(it doesn't return what I'm looking for):


    string = "efvss 3452 XT-123454 ghhs444d efvss XT-6336 ghhsd efq435vss XT-554 ghhsd efvss XT-23427 ghhs55d efvss XT-24";
    string = string.match(/(XT-)(.*)(\s)/g);

Desired output should be XT-123454, XT-554, XT-23427, XT-24


2 个解决方案



You can use regular expressions to match all the XT-## parts of the string.

您可以使用正则表达式来匹配字符串的所有XT - ##部分。

var str = 'efvss XT-123454 ghhsd efvss XT-6336 ghhsd efvss XT-554 ghhsd efvss XT-23427 ghhsd efvss XT-24';
var regex = /\bXT-\d+\b/g;
var matches = str.match(regex);
< ["XT-123454", "XT-6336", "XT-554", "XT-23427", "XT-24"]

To recreate the string with only the parts you want use .join():


var finalString = matches.join(' ');
< "XT-123454 XT-6336 XT-554 XT-23427 XT-24"



    string = "efvss XT-123454 ghhsd efvss XT-6336 ghhsd efvss XT-554 ghhsd efvss XT-23427 ghhsd efvss XT-24";
    string = string.match(/(XT-)[0-9]{0,11}/g);

you can use the above code for your desired output https://jsfiddle.net/ygpzq4hj/




You can use regular expressions to match all the XT-## parts of the string.

您可以使用正则表达式来匹配字符串的所有XT - ##部分。

var str = 'efvss XT-123454 ghhsd efvss XT-6336 ghhsd efvss XT-554 ghhsd efvss XT-23427 ghhsd efvss XT-24';
var regex = /\bXT-\d+\b/g;
var matches = str.match(regex);
< ["XT-123454", "XT-6336", "XT-554", "XT-23427", "XT-24"]

To recreate the string with only the parts you want use .join():


var finalString = matches.join(' ');
< "XT-123454 XT-6336 XT-554 XT-23427 XT-24"



    string = "efvss XT-123454 ghhsd efvss XT-6336 ghhsd efvss XT-554 ghhsd efvss XT-23427 ghhsd efvss XT-24";
    string = string.match(/(XT-)[0-9]{0,11}/g);

you can use the above code for your desired output https://jsfiddle.net/ygpzq4hj/
