I have the following: main form "customer" from a "customer" table. subform "invoices" with fields "invoice date", "invoice amount" "customer id" etc. from a table "invoices"
whenever user clicks or goes to a record in the "invoices" sub form. I would like a "total so far" control to calculate the sum of the "invoices amount" up until the date of the current record being "clicked" or selected.
i.e. for customer microsoft with invoices: 1) may 2 09, $150 2) may 3 09, $200 3) may 4 09, $500
即对于客户微软发票:1)可能2 09,$ 150 2)可能3 09,$ 200 3)可能4 09,$ 500
If user clicks on record 2), "total so far" should show $350 If user clicks on record 1), "total so far" should show $150 If user clicks on record 3), "total so far" should show $850
Currently, I am using DSum function on an event "OnCurrent" in the subform "invoices" to set the "total so far" value. Is this method slow, inefficient?
Any other simpler,cleaner,more elegant,faster, efficient method using ms access features?
I want the "invoices" subform to show ALL the invoices for this customer no matter which record is clicked.
2 个解决方案
If the DSum method works for you then use it.
If it's too slow then another way is to use a recordsetclone and loop through the records. This is more code but it's more efficient since it doesn't have to hit the database. You do need a unique key.
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim subTotal As Currency
Dim rec_id As Long
'get clone of current records in subform'
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
'save current record id'
rec_id = Me.rec_id
'loop and total until current is reached'
Do Until rst![rec_id] = rec_id
subTotal = subTotal + rst![InvoiceAmt]
'add last amount on current record'
subTotal = subTotal + rst![InvoiceAmt]
Set rst = Nothing
'set text box with subtotal'
Me.Text2 = subTotal
End Sub
The other way is to build a sql query with a sum() but that takes even more code and hits the database again.
You could put a hidden control with a Dsum in the footer of the subform, and then refer to that one from the main form. The Dsum would have its 3rd argument like "InvoiceId <= " & InvoiceId
您可以在子窗体的页脚中放置一个带有Dsum的隐藏控件,然后从主窗体中引用该控件。 Dsum将有第三个参数,如“InvoiceId <=”和InvoiceId
No need for any VBA/event in that case.
在这种情况下不需要任何VBA /事件。
If the DSum method works for you then use it.
If it's too slow then another way is to use a recordsetclone and loop through the records. This is more code but it's more efficient since it doesn't have to hit the database. You do need a unique key.
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim subTotal As Currency
Dim rec_id As Long
'get clone of current records in subform'
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
'save current record id'
rec_id = Me.rec_id
'loop and total until current is reached'
Do Until rst![rec_id] = rec_id
subTotal = subTotal + rst![InvoiceAmt]
'add last amount on current record'
subTotal = subTotal + rst![InvoiceAmt]
Set rst = Nothing
'set text box with subtotal'
Me.Text2 = subTotal
End Sub
The other way is to build a sql query with a sum() but that takes even more code and hits the database again.
You could put a hidden control with a Dsum in the footer of the subform, and then refer to that one from the main form. The Dsum would have its 3rd argument like "InvoiceId <= " & InvoiceId
您可以在子窗体的页脚中放置一个带有Dsum的隐藏控件,然后从主窗体中引用该控件。 Dsum将有第三个参数,如“InvoiceId <=”和InvoiceId
No need for any VBA/event in that case.
在这种情况下不需要任何VBA /事件。