
时间:2022-02-05 19:54:10

I'm new to web application development using Javascript.


As Javascript applications appear to work highly asynchronous i'm wondering if there is a common approach to handling callbacks that are invoked too late. For example assuming an asynchronous request is made and when the response finally comes back the application is in a different state which eventually is not suitable for processing the response.


How would you detect this situation and handle it in case of a successful as well as an error response? Can this issue be solved from a high-level architectural view or will the kind of solution always be tied to the JS framework and/or type of application?


In a related matter is it a recommended pattern for web applications to block input while server-side processing takes place?


Thank You


2 个解决方案



The quick answer to your question is a Promise.


Promises are a pattern that may soon be implemented into ECMA-6, however currently are exercised through your own custom code or the use of libraries such as Kris Kowal's q (see below).

承诺是一种模式,它可能很快被实现为ECMA-6,但是目前通过您自己的自定义代码或使用库(如Kris Kowal的q)来执行。

The pattern is fairly simple. You goal is to wrap the asynchronously-executing method or function in order to preserve it's scope and then act on it's return. For most libraries and approaches this is referred to as a then statement.


A simple example:


var theEventualResults;

goGetMeSomething().then(function(results) {
  //now I can store the results in my working scope
  theEventualResults = results;

The idea is that goGetMeSomething() returns a "Promise Object" that has a method then that executes when goGetMeSomething successfully executes. There are also ways to implement failure, through catching errors or reading failure response codes from requests.


A failure example:


var theEventualResults;

goGetMeSomething().then(function(results) {
  //now I can store the results in my working scope
  theEventualResults = results;
}).error(function(reason) {
  //now I can handle the failure, if it fails;

I would suggest you conduct a little research on Promises and their different implementations in different libraries, to further your grasp. This will also help you find what's best for your specific application.


So, in review of your questions:


  1. How would you detect this situation and handle it in case of a successful as well as an error response?
    • A promise pattern will likely be most useful
    • 承诺模式可能最有用
  2. 您如何检测这种情况,并在成功和错误响应的情况下处理它?承诺模式可能最有用
  3. Can this issue be solved from a high-level architectural view or will the kind of solution always be tied to the JS framework and/or type of application?
    • This kind of solution can be implemented in JavaScript independently of any framework. However, if you are using a framework, then it may already have a promise pattern. It is typically useful to implement what the framework offers rather than using something else. AngularJS is a good example of this as Alex C pointed out.
    • 这种解决方案可以独立于任何框架在JavaScript中实现。但是,如果您正在使用一个框架,那么它可能已经有了一个承诺模式。实现框架提供的内容而不是使用其他内容通常是有用的。正如Alex C所指出的,AngularJS就是一个很好的例子。
  4. 这个问题是否可以从高层架构的角度来解决,或者这种解决方案是否总是与JS框架和/或应用程序类型相关联?这种解决方案可以独立于任何框架在JavaScript中实现。但是,如果您正在使用一个框架,那么它可能已经有了一个承诺模式。实现框架提供的内容而不是使用其他内容通常是有用的。正如Alex C所指出的,AngularJS就是一个很好的例子。
  5. In a related matter is it a recommended pattern for web applications to block input while server-side processing takes place?
    • This falls a bit out of scope. I would suggest asking this in a separate question.
    • 这有点超出范围。我建议在另一个问题上问这个问题。
  6. 在一个相关的问题中,它是web应用程序在服务器端处理发生时阻塞输入的推荐模式吗?这有点超出范围。我建议在另一个问题上问这个问题。

Here are some library references as well:


I am not suggesting you use any of these. That's for you to discover. Hopefully, this can help you see the pattern, however, and allow you to decide for yourself.





In angularJS, you can use $q.defer(), resolve(), reject() and promise, eg:

在angularJS中,您可以使用$ q.()、resolve()、reject()和promise(例如:

MyObject.myMethod = function(options){

  var deferred = $q.defer();

  myAsyncMethod(options, function(callback_data){

  return deferred.promise;


then somewhere else in the code:


 var foo = New MyObject();
      // process callback here;



The quick answer to your question is a Promise.


Promises are a pattern that may soon be implemented into ECMA-6, however currently are exercised through your own custom code or the use of libraries such as Kris Kowal's q (see below).

承诺是一种模式,它可能很快被实现为ECMA-6,但是目前通过您自己的自定义代码或使用库(如Kris Kowal的q)来执行。

The pattern is fairly simple. You goal is to wrap the asynchronously-executing method or function in order to preserve it's scope and then act on it's return. For most libraries and approaches this is referred to as a then statement.


A simple example:


var theEventualResults;

goGetMeSomething().then(function(results) {
  //now I can store the results in my working scope
  theEventualResults = results;

The idea is that goGetMeSomething() returns a "Promise Object" that has a method then that executes when goGetMeSomething successfully executes. There are also ways to implement failure, through catching errors or reading failure response codes from requests.


A failure example:


var theEventualResults;

goGetMeSomething().then(function(results) {
  //now I can store the results in my working scope
  theEventualResults = results;
}).error(function(reason) {
  //now I can handle the failure, if it fails;

I would suggest you conduct a little research on Promises and their different implementations in different libraries, to further your grasp. This will also help you find what's best for your specific application.


So, in review of your questions:


  1. How would you detect this situation and handle it in case of a successful as well as an error response?
    • A promise pattern will likely be most useful
    • 承诺模式可能最有用
  2. 您如何检测这种情况,并在成功和错误响应的情况下处理它?承诺模式可能最有用
  3. Can this issue be solved from a high-level architectural view or will the kind of solution always be tied to the JS framework and/or type of application?
    • This kind of solution can be implemented in JavaScript independently of any framework. However, if you are using a framework, then it may already have a promise pattern. It is typically useful to implement what the framework offers rather than using something else. AngularJS is a good example of this as Alex C pointed out.
    • 这种解决方案可以独立于任何框架在JavaScript中实现。但是,如果您正在使用一个框架,那么它可能已经有了一个承诺模式。实现框架提供的内容而不是使用其他内容通常是有用的。正如Alex C所指出的,AngularJS就是一个很好的例子。
  4. 这个问题是否可以从高层架构的角度来解决,或者这种解决方案是否总是与JS框架和/或应用程序类型相关联?这种解决方案可以独立于任何框架在JavaScript中实现。但是,如果您正在使用一个框架,那么它可能已经有了一个承诺模式。实现框架提供的内容而不是使用其他内容通常是有用的。正如Alex C所指出的,AngularJS就是一个很好的例子。
  5. In a related matter is it a recommended pattern for web applications to block input while server-side processing takes place?
    • This falls a bit out of scope. I would suggest asking this in a separate question.
    • 这有点超出范围。我建议在另一个问题上问这个问题。
  6. 在一个相关的问题中,它是web应用程序在服务器端处理发生时阻塞输入的推荐模式吗?这有点超出范围。我建议在另一个问题上问这个问题。

Here are some library references as well:


I am not suggesting you use any of these. That's for you to discover. Hopefully, this can help you see the pattern, however, and allow you to decide for yourself.





In angularJS, you can use $q.defer(), resolve(), reject() and promise, eg:

在angularJS中,您可以使用$ q.()、resolve()、reject()和promise(例如:

MyObject.myMethod = function(options){

  var deferred = $q.defer();

  myAsyncMethod(options, function(callback_data){

  return deferred.promise;


then somewhere else in the code:


 var foo = New MyObject();
      // process callback here;