
时间:2021-05-23 19:43:57

I have a parent div which is resizable (width only) - within this div I have a number of other divs that are also resizable (height only).

我有一个可调整大小的父div(仅限宽度) - 在这个div中我有许多其他div也是可调整大小的(仅限高度)。

At times I want to either disable or destroy the parent width resizing but leave the inner height resizing in place.


When I call $("#idTopDiv").resizable("destroy");, this destroys the resizables on all of the child divs as well.


Typical layout is:-

典型布局是: -

<div id=idDivTop> <!-- Resizable width -->
    <div id=idInnerOne>

    <div id=idInnerTwo> <!-- Resizable height -->

Appreciate any ideas.


1 个解决方案



I think this happens because the destroy of resizable removes all resize handels inside of the ui element, which happens to include the resize handles for the inside resizables. So the inside resizables aren't actually being destroyed, they're just getting messed up.

我认为这是因为resizable的破坏会删除ui元素内部的所有resize handels,这恰好包括内部可调整大小的resize句柄。所以内部可调整大小实际上并没有被破坏,他们只是搞砸了。

You can see the Resizable source code here; its happening at line 199 where it says .find('.ui-resizable-handle').remove();.


To fix this you need to call the destroy method on the inner resizables also and then recreate them. (jsfiddle)

要解决此问题,您还需要在内部resizable上调用destroy方法,然后重新创建它们。 (的jsfiddle)


// Destroy all three resizables

// Recreate the inner resizables
$("#idInnerOne, #idInnerTwo").resizable();

You need to do that to remove bindings and data that resizable sets up upon creation, otherwise it will think its already created when you try re-creating it and it will do nothing.


You might also consider disabling the outer resizable instead of destroying it, but that has its own issues.




I think this happens because the destroy of resizable removes all resize handels inside of the ui element, which happens to include the resize handles for the inside resizables. So the inside resizables aren't actually being destroyed, they're just getting messed up.

我认为这是因为resizable的破坏会删除ui元素内部的所有resize handels,这恰好包括内部可调整大小的resize句柄。所以内部可调整大小实际上并没有被破坏,他们只是搞砸了。

You can see the Resizable source code here; its happening at line 199 where it says .find('.ui-resizable-handle').remove();.


To fix this you need to call the destroy method on the inner resizables also and then recreate them. (jsfiddle)

要解决此问题,您还需要在内部resizable上调用destroy方法,然后重新创建它们。 (的jsfiddle)


// Destroy all three resizables

// Recreate the inner resizables
$("#idInnerOne, #idInnerTwo").resizable();

You need to do that to remove bindings and data that resizable sets up upon creation, otherwise it will think its already created when you try re-creating it and it will do nothing.


You might also consider disabling the outer resizable instead of destroying it, but that has its own issues.
