
时间:2021-08-08 19:35:19

I have created an editor that uses Entity Framework for db-access. The editor is a clientside editor that works via JavaScript. When the user clicks the save-button JavaScript calls my ASP.NET MVC method with the data as a JSON-string. The data is an object containing a list of nodes. I use inheritance in EF to allow the nodes to be of different types. The JSON that is sent from the browser is converted by MVC automatically to a DTO object. I then create EF-objects based on the DTO object. My question is how do I save the modifications to all the objects?

我创建了一个使用Entity Framework进行数据库访问的编辑器。编辑器是一个通过JavaScript工作的客户端编辑器。当用户单击保存按钮时,JavaScript将数据作为JSON字符串调用我的ASP.NET MVC方法。数据是包含节点列表的对象。我在EF中使用继承来允许节点具有不同的类型。从浏览器发送的JSON由MVC自动转换为DTO对象。然后,我根据DTO对象创建EF对象。我的问题是如何保存对所有对象的修改?

Right now I do the following:


// Convert my DTO object to a EF db object
Document dbDoc = dtoDoc.ToEFDocument();

using (MyEntities db = new MyEntities())
    db.ApplyCurrentValues("Documents", doc);

This works but it only updates the properties in the document object (not the changes that was made in the nodes collection).


Is there a simple solution for this?


1 个解决方案



Your DTOs must also track information about changes an user did. You must track:


  • Which entities were updated
  • 哪些实体已更新

  • Which entities were removed
  • 删除了哪些实体

  • Which entities were added
  • 添加了哪些实体

  • Which independent associations (many-to-many or one-to-many without mapped FK) were added
  • 添加了哪些独立关联(多对多或一对多而没有映射FK)

  • Which independent associations were removed
  • 哪些独立协会被删除

Once you get this information on the server you must use it to correctly set state of every entity you want to save to database. There is no automatic mechanism for doing this in EF and ApplyCurrentValues only works for single entity (not for whole entity graph).


Doing this without information about changes usually requires loading all modified data from database and update them from DTOs instead of creating disconnected entities from DTO.




Your DTOs must also track information about changes an user did. You must track:


  • Which entities were updated
  • 哪些实体已更新

  • Which entities were removed
  • 删除了哪些实体

  • Which entities were added
  • 添加了哪些实体

  • Which independent associations (many-to-many or one-to-many without mapped FK) were added
  • 添加了哪些独立关联(多对多或一对多而没有映射FK)

  • Which independent associations were removed
  • 哪些独立协会被删除

Once you get this information on the server you must use it to correctly set state of every entity you want to save to database. There is no automatic mechanism for doing this in EF and ApplyCurrentValues only works for single entity (not for whole entity graph).


Doing this without information about changes usually requires loading all modified data from database and update them from DTOs instead of creating disconnected entities from DTO.
