
时间:2021-08-25 19:45:26

I'm wondering how to properly destroy an object in Javascript that contains an array among other data.


For example (this is the initial state of the object):


acme.models.nomination = {
    recipients : [], // array will be added to later.
    awardType: {}, // this object will be filled out later.
    privacy: 'private',

As the application is used the nomination.recipients object will be added to, along with the other data elements. Is it enough to do the following to clear the complete object when finished with it:


acme.models.nomination = {};

or is this better (or overkill):


acme.models.nomination.privacy = undefined;
acme.models.nomination.awardType = {};
acme.models.nomination.recipients = {};
acme.models.nomination = {};

I'm thinking that the former statement (i.e. acme.models.nomination = {}) is enough as this effectively makes the entire contents unreachable and hence eligible for garbage collection. However, I'd like to get other peoples opinions on this. BTW, the answer can be given in a modern browser context, let's say browsers post-Jan-2012, as I know memory management was a bit inconsistent in the past.

我认为前一个语句(即acme.models.nomination = {})就足够了,因为这有效地使整个内容无法访问,因此有资格进行垃圾回收。但是,我想就此提出其他人的意见。顺便说一句,答案可以在现代浏览器环境中给出,比如2012年1月之后的浏览器,因为我知道内存管理在过去有点不一致。

1 个解决方案



I think the delete-Operator is what you are looking for:


delete acme.models.nomination;



I think the delete-Operator is what you are looking for:


delete acme.models.nomination;