
时间:2021-08-12 20:06:20

I have such code:


total_terms = @driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').length
    if (1...5).include?(total_terms)
      @driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').option(:index, total_terms).select
      @driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').option(:index, (total_terms-2)).select

and I am trying to select some value via index. First, I calculate how long my select_list is, and then I select. But in the browser, I see that nothing is selected. What did I do wrong?


1 个解决方案



Your code is probably throwing exceptions.


Select lists do not have a method length


The line

@driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').length

is not valid since select lists do not have a method length. Assuming you want the number of options, need to add the options method to get a collection of options in the select list:


@driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').options.length   

5 or less options selects non-existent option


The line

if (1...5).include?(total_terms)
  @driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').option(:index, total_terms).select

will throw an exception due to there being nothing at the specified index. The :index locator is 0-based - ie 0 means the first option, 1 means the second option, etc. This means that when there are two options, you will try to select :index => 2, which does not exist. You need to subtract 1:

由于指定索引中没有任何内容,将抛出异常。 :index locator是从0开始的 - 即0表示第一个选项,1表示第二个选项,等等。这意味着当有两个选项时,您将尝试选择:index => 2,它不存在。你需要减去1:

if (1...5).include?(total_terms)
  @driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').option(:index, total_terms-1).select



Your code is probably throwing exceptions.


Select lists do not have a method length


The line

@driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').length

is not valid since select lists do not have a method length. Assuming you want the number of options, need to add the options method to get a collection of options in the select list:


@driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').options.length   

5 or less options selects non-existent option


The line

if (1...5).include?(total_terms)
  @driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').option(:index, total_terms).select

will throw an exception due to there being nothing at the specified index. The :index locator is 0-based - ie 0 means the first option, 1 means the second option, etc. This means that when there are two options, you will try to select :index => 2, which does not exist. You need to subtract 1:

由于指定索引中没有任何内容,将抛出异常。 :index locator是从0开始的 - 即0表示第一个选项,1表示第二个选项,等等。这意味着当有两个选项时,您将尝试选择:index => 2,它不存在。你需要减去1:

if (1...5).include?(total_terms)
  @driver.select_list(:name => 'ctl00$cp$cbRodzajUslugi').option(:index, total_terms-1).select