I am making a site usng bootstrap 3. Now the problem is with navbar dropdown. When i click the link it gets changed into expand child menu and collapse child menu
我正在制作一个网站usng bootstrap 3.现在问题出在导航栏下拉列表中。当我点击链接时,它会变为展开子菜单并折叠子菜单
to clearify here is the pic i am trying to tell at first
THen when i click it becomes
Finally again
Where did my gallery menu text go to ??? Hope some one can help.
1 个解决方案
For anyone coming across this problem in Wordpress, I fixed this by commenting out a couple of lines in my theme's functions.php file.
Find the line
wp_localize_script('themeName-script', 'screenReaderText', array('expand' => ..., 'collapse' => ...);
And comment out the 'expand' and 'collapse' array items. I'm guessing this could have unintended consequences in other parts of your app if you actually need to use screenReaderText somewhere else, however I don't so this worked perfectly.
For anyone coming across this problem in Wordpress, I fixed this by commenting out a couple of lines in my theme's functions.php file.
Find the line
wp_localize_script('themeName-script', 'screenReaderText', array('expand' => ..., 'collapse' => ...);
And comment out the 'expand' and 'collapse' array items. I'm guessing this could have unintended consequences in other parts of your app if you actually need to use screenReaderText somewhere else, however I don't so this worked perfectly.