单击“fb like”时关闭对话框

时间:2021-10-27 19:07:43

I have jquery dialog on my website. It pops up when page is loaded. I want to give my dialog facebook functionality (like button).


Now I want to:


  1. Dismiss dialog right after "Like" is clicked.
  2. 单击“赞”后立即关闭对话框。

  3. I don't want to show dialog if the user already "Liked" the page.
  4. 如果用户已“喜欢”该页面,我不想显示对话框。

Please note I don't have any application ID associated with my page (when it comes back). Any ideas?


Thank you!

1 个解决方案



There is no way to do that because of Same Origin Policy. You can only do that with FB API like;

由于同源策略,无法做到这一点。你只能用FB API这样做;

FB.api('/me/likes/your_page_id', {limit: 1}, function(response) { 
        if (response.data.length == 1) {
            // User already liked your page, do not open dialog
        } else {
            // $("#dialog").dialog(); User not liked your page           

For detect when user click, you can use;


     function(response) {
          // User clicked like button

You can create FB App here

您可以在此处创建FB App



There is no way to do that because of Same Origin Policy. You can only do that with FB API like;

由于同源策略,无法做到这一点。你只能用FB API这样做;

FB.api('/me/likes/your_page_id', {limit: 1}, function(response) { 
        if (response.data.length == 1) {
            // User already liked your page, do not open dialog
        } else {
            // $("#dialog").dialog(); User not liked your page           

For detect when user click, you can use;


     function(response) {
          // User clicked like button

You can create FB App here

您可以在此处创建FB App