Python - 如何强制枚举从1开始 - 或解决方法?

时间:2021-09-17 19:44:03

I have a simple for loop:


for index, (key, value) in enumerate(self.addArgs["khzObj"].nodes.items()):

and I want to start a new wx horizontal boxsizer after every 3rd item to create a panel with 3 nodes each and going on for as many as are in nodes. The obvious solution is to do:


if index % 3 == 0: add a horizontal spacer

but the enumerate starts at 0, so 0 % 3 == 0 and it would start a new row right off the bat. I've tried doing:

但是枚举从0开始,所以0%3 == 0并且它会立即开始一个新的行。我试过了:

if index == 0: index = index + 1

but of course that doesn't work because it creates a new var instead of changing the original -- so I get 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc and that won't work because I'll get 4 nodes before I hit a index % 3 == 0.

但当然这不起作用,因为它创建一个新的var而不是更改原始 - 所以我得到1,1,2,3,4等,这将无法工作,因为我会得到4个节点之前我点击指数%3 == 0。

Any suggestions on how to do this? This isn't a big enumerate, usually only about 10-15 items. Thanks.


2 个解决方案



Since Python 2.6, enumerate() takes an optional start parameter to indicate where to start the enumeration. See the documentation for enumerate.

从Python 2.6开始,enumerate()接受一个可选的start参数来指示枚举的起始位置。请参阅枚举文档。



You are going to hate this answer for how obvious it is, but you could just do:


if index % 3 == 2: add a horizontal spacer

This adds the spacer after the 2nd element (which is actually the third), and every third element after it.




Since Python 2.6, enumerate() takes an optional start parameter to indicate where to start the enumeration. See the documentation for enumerate.

从Python 2.6开始,enumerate()接受一个可选的start参数来指示枚举的起始位置。请参阅枚举文档。



You are going to hate this answer for how obvious it is, but you could just do:


if index % 3 == 2: add a horizontal spacer

This adds the spacer after the 2nd element (which is actually the third), and every third element after it.
