
时间:2022-02-04 19:21:10

so I have been trying to create a "Period" class, with the following attributes:


class PTPeriod {

    // MARK: Stored Properties

    var start: Date
    var end: Date
    var place: PTPlace?

init(start: Date, end: Date, place: PTPlace? = nil) {
    self.start = start
    self.end = end = place


And I want to initialize it with a convenience init that accepts a dictionary like the following:


           "close" : {
              "day" : 1,
              "time" : "0000"
           "open" : {
              "day" : 0,
              "time" : "0900"

This is my initializer, originally I put the heavy lifting into a helper method. However, i was getting the same error I have now so I removed the helper method and the error is still occurring. Unsure where it thinks I am calling self.


UPDATE: moved the date formatting into a date formatter extension, but the error still persists! unsure WHY. new init shown:


My new Convenience init:


// MARK: Convenience init for initializing periods pulled from Google Place API
convenience init?(placeData: [String:Any], place: PTPlace? = nil) throws {
    var start: Date? = nil
    var end: Date? = nil
    var formatter = DateFormatter()

    do {
        for (key, value) in placeData {
            let period = value as! [String: Any]
            if (key == "open") {
                start = try formatter.upcoming_date(with: period)
            } else if (key == "close") {
                end = try formatter.upcoming_date(with: period)
            } else {
        if (start != nil && end != nil) { self.init(start: start!, end: end!, place: place) }
        else { print("we f'd up") }


    catch { print(error.localizedDescription) }

Here is my DateFormatter.upcoming_date method:


   func upcoming_date(with googlePlacePeriod: [String: Any]) throws -> Date? {
    if let day = googlePlacePeriod["day"] as? Int {
        if (day < 0) || (day > 6) { throw SerializationError.invalid("day", day) } // throw an error if day is not between 0-6
        if let time = googlePlacePeriod["time"] as? String {
            if time.characters.count != 4 { throw SerializationError.invalid("time", time) } // throw an error if time is not 4 char long
            var upcoming_date: Date
            let gregorian = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)

            let current_day_of_week = Date().getDayOfWeekInt()
            let dayOfPeriod = day + 1

            var distance = dayOfPeriod - current_day_of_week // inverse = false

            if (dayOfPeriod < current_day_of_week) {
                switch distance {
                case -1: distance = 6
                case -2: distance = 5
                case -3: distance = 4
                case -4: distance = 3
                case -5: distance = 2
                case -6: distance = 1
                default: break
            /** time example: "1535" translates into 3:35PM
             first two characters in string are "hour" (15)
             last two characters in string are "minute(35)

            let hour = Int(time.substring(to: time.index(time.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)))!
            let minute = Int(time.substring(from: time.index(time.endIndex, offsetBy: -2)))

            upcoming_date = Date().fastForward(amount: distance, unit: "days", inverse: false)!
            var components = gregorian.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day, .hour, .minute, .second], from: upcoming_date)
            components.hour = hour
            components.minute = minute
            upcoming_date = components)!
            return upcoming_date
        else { throw SerializationError.missing("time") }
    else { throw SerializationError.missing("day") }

1 个解决方案



You have a failable initializer, so if it fails, you must return nil to let it know it failed:


if (start != nil && end != nil) { 
    self.init(start: start!, end: end!, place: place) }
} else { 
    print("we f'd up") 
    return nil

Also, in your do-catch, you need to either


  • re-throw the error in the catch block


    catch {
        throw error
  • eliminate the do-catch blocks altogether; or


  • just return nil:


    catch {
        return nil

    If you do this, you'd presumably not define this failable initializer as one that throws because you're no longer throwing.


Given that you're unlikely to do anything meaningful with the thrown error, I'd just make it a failable initializer that doesn't throw:


convenience init?(placeData: [String: Any], place: PTPlace? = nil) {
    var start: Date?
    var end: Date?
    let formatter = DateFormatter()

    for (key, value) in placeData {
        let period = value as! [String: Any]
        if key == "open" {
            start = try? formatter.upcoming_date(with: period)
        } else if key == "close" {
            end = try? formatter.upcoming_date(with: period)
        } else {
            break  // I'm not sure why you're doing this; it seems extremely imprudent (esp since dictionaries are not ordered)

    if let start = start, let end = end {
        self.init(start: start, end: end, place: place)
    } else {
        print("either start or end were not found")
        return nil



You have a failable initializer, so if it fails, you must return nil to let it know it failed:


if (start != nil && end != nil) { 
    self.init(start: start!, end: end!, place: place) }
} else { 
    print("we f'd up") 
    return nil

Also, in your do-catch, you need to either


  • re-throw the error in the catch block


    catch {
        throw error
  • eliminate the do-catch blocks altogether; or


  • just return nil:


    catch {
        return nil

    If you do this, you'd presumably not define this failable initializer as one that throws because you're no longer throwing.


Given that you're unlikely to do anything meaningful with the thrown error, I'd just make it a failable initializer that doesn't throw:


convenience init?(placeData: [String: Any], place: PTPlace? = nil) {
    var start: Date?
    var end: Date?
    let formatter = DateFormatter()

    for (key, value) in placeData {
        let period = value as! [String: Any]
        if key == "open" {
            start = try? formatter.upcoming_date(with: period)
        } else if key == "close" {
            end = try? formatter.upcoming_date(with: period)
        } else {
            break  // I'm not sure why you're doing this; it seems extremely imprudent (esp since dictionaries are not ordered)

    if let start = start, let end = end {
        self.init(start: start, end: end, place: place)
    } else {
        print("either start or end were not found")
        return nil