
时间:2022-03-10 18:39:21

I have a template data context like this:


data = {
    "attribute1": {
        "attribute2": {}

And in the meteor template I am doing something like this:


{{#with attribute1}}
    {{#if attribute2}}
        show some content

I don't want to show anything if attribute2 is an empty object. However I tried both {{#with attribute2}}{{/with}} and {{#if attribute2}}{{/if}} And it's still rendering the content inside even if it's an empty object.

如果attribute2是一个空对象,我不想显示任何内容。但是我尝试了两个{{#with attribute2}} {{/ with}}和{{#if attribute2}} {{/ if}}并且即使它是一个空对象,它仍然会在内部呈现内容。

What is the correct way to check if the object is empty in spacebar template? Or is it even possible?


3 个解决方案


I just found a way to register a template helper and use jQuery.isEmpty to do the null check:


Template.registerHelper("isEmpty", function (object) {
    return jQuery.isEmpty(object);

And to use it in the template:


{{#unless isEmpty attribute2}}
    show some content

But I found a drawback from this solution that if I want to refer to attributes inside attribute2, I will need to add {{#with attribute2}}{{/with}} inside the unless block

但是我发现这个解决方案有一个缺点,如果我想引用attribute2中的属性,我需要在除非块中添加{{#with attribute2}} {{/ with}}


if attribute2 is an object, you can use Object.keys to check the length


{{#with attribute1}}
    {{#if !!Object.keys(attribute2).length}}
        show some content


The reason why your original code does not work is because you are assuming that an empty object equates to false in Spacebars. As mentioned here in the Spacebars documentation, only falsy Javascript values (null, undefined, 0, "", and false) will be considered false by Spacebars. Therefore, an empty object needs to be checked using a Meteor helper method like your accepted answer suggests.



I just found a way to register a template helper and use jQuery.isEmpty to do the null check:


Template.registerHelper("isEmpty", function (object) {
    return jQuery.isEmpty(object);

And to use it in the template:


{{#unless isEmpty attribute2}}
    show some content

But I found a drawback from this solution that if I want to refer to attributes inside attribute2, I will need to add {{#with attribute2}}{{/with}} inside the unless block

但是我发现这个解决方案有一个缺点,如果我想引用attribute2中的属性,我需要在除非块中添加{{#with attribute2}} {{/ with}}


if attribute2 is an object, you can use Object.keys to check the length


{{#with attribute1}}
    {{#if !!Object.keys(attribute2).length}}
        show some content


The reason why your original code does not work is because you are assuming that an empty object equates to false in Spacebars. As mentioned here in the Spacebars documentation, only falsy Javascript values (null, undefined, 0, "", and false) will be considered false by Spacebars. Therefore, an empty object needs to be checked using a Meteor helper method like your accepted answer suggests.
