
时间:2021-08-17 18:24:31

How can we generate a schema from the database in meteor app. I want to generate multiple schemas from each database entry.


The DB used is Mongo DB.

所使用的DB是Mongo DB。

This schema will be used later to generate a form.


I am using autoform to generate a form.


[1: http://autoform.meteor.com]


2 个解决方案



I've written a small script that you can run in mongo to reverse engineer an existing (flat) collection.


**  SimpleSchema definition generator  
**  This will reverse engineer a flat collection
**  only at this point. If you improve this,
**  please share: {"email-left": "timstew", "at":"@", "email-right": "gmail.com"} 
var schemaName = "publisherSchema"; // Name you want to give to your simple schema
var collectionName = "publishers"; // mongodb collection name (not including 'db.')
var sampleID = "54c00f0d2b21500370a2e4c4"; // _id of a good representative document

// OK, that's all the info we need - Let's get started!
var message = eval("db." + collectionName + ".findOne({_id:\"" + sampleID +"\"})");
var count = 0;
// Hack because I can't figure out how to find out how many fields are in 
var numKeys = 0;
for(var key in message) {numKeys += 1}

var index = 0;
for (var key in message) {
    if (index == 0) {
        print(schemaName + " = new SimpleSchema({");
    print("\t" + key + ": {");
    print("\t\ttype: " + toProper(eval("typeof db." + collectionName + ".findOne({_id:\"" + sampleID + "\"})." + key)) + ",");
    print("\t\tlabel: \"" +  toProper(key) + "\"");

    if (index == numKeys-1) {
    } else {
    index += 1;

function toProper(str)
    return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});



  1. MongoDB is a document database, which doesn't require a schema. All you need to do is declare collections in Meteor
  2. MongoDB是一个文档数据库,它不需要模式。你所需要做的就是在流星中申报收藏
  3. If you want to be strict about the document structure, check out https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-collection2 (meteor add aldeed:collection2)
  4. 如果您想严格要求文档结构,请查看https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-collection2(流星添加:collection2)

I've recently explained Meteor collections and schemas here.


If you want to read the schema from a collection, you can simply access it via collectionName.simpleSchema(). For your purpose you can take this schema and convert it into your desired structure (or exclude certain configured fields).

如果希望从集合中读取模式,只需通过collection . simpleschema()访问它。出于您的目的,您可以使用此模式并将其转换为所需的结构(或排除某些配置字段)。



I've written a small script that you can run in mongo to reverse engineer an existing (flat) collection.


**  SimpleSchema definition generator  
**  This will reverse engineer a flat collection
**  only at this point. If you improve this,
**  please share: {"email-left": "timstew", "at":"@", "email-right": "gmail.com"} 
var schemaName = "publisherSchema"; // Name you want to give to your simple schema
var collectionName = "publishers"; // mongodb collection name (not including 'db.')
var sampleID = "54c00f0d2b21500370a2e4c4"; // _id of a good representative document

// OK, that's all the info we need - Let's get started!
var message = eval("db." + collectionName + ".findOne({_id:\"" + sampleID +"\"})");
var count = 0;
// Hack because I can't figure out how to find out how many fields are in 
var numKeys = 0;
for(var key in message) {numKeys += 1}

var index = 0;
for (var key in message) {
    if (index == 0) {
        print(schemaName + " = new SimpleSchema({");
    print("\t" + key + ": {");
    print("\t\ttype: " + toProper(eval("typeof db." + collectionName + ".findOne({_id:\"" + sampleID + "\"})." + key)) + ",");
    print("\t\tlabel: \"" +  toProper(key) + "\"");

    if (index == numKeys-1) {
    } else {
    index += 1;

function toProper(str)
    return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});



  1. MongoDB is a document database, which doesn't require a schema. All you need to do is declare collections in Meteor
  2. MongoDB是一个文档数据库,它不需要模式。你所需要做的就是在流星中申报收藏
  3. If you want to be strict about the document structure, check out https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-collection2 (meteor add aldeed:collection2)
  4. 如果您想严格要求文档结构,请查看https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-collection2(流星添加:collection2)

I've recently explained Meteor collections and schemas here.


If you want to read the schema from a collection, you can simply access it via collectionName.simpleSchema(). For your purpose you can take this schema and convert it into your desired structure (or exclude certain configured fields).

如果希望从集合中读取模式,只需通过collection . simpleschema()访问它。出于您的目的,您可以使用此模式并将其转换为所需的结构(或排除某些配置字段)。