
时间:2022-02-03 16:40:29

I have a linq2sql setup where objects are sent from client side (flex via flourinefx) and attach them to a new datacontext a seen below:

我有一个linq2sql设置,其中对象从客户端发送(通过flourinefx flex)并将它们附加到新的datacontext,如下所示:

I also have a "global" datacontext that is used throughout the session.


    public static void Update(Enquiry enquiry)
        OffertaDataContext db = new OffertaDataContext();

        db.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, enquiry);


This approach usually works fine, but after a while I get the error "Cannot add an entity with a key that is already in use".


11 个解决方案


I think this error happens if you Attach an entity to a DataContext that was already loaded.


The code that causes the error is exactly like you show here? After creating the new OffertaDataContext do you query anything before the Attach?



I was getting this error and it was because I had forgotten to set the Primary Key field in the database to "Identity Specification" (auto-increment). When I changed this I was good. Doh!



This might not be your issue (I can't tell), but it was mine and as people google this it might help someone else. If you aren't using the built-in Linq-to-SQL designer or SQLMetal stuff to generate your Linq-to-SQL classes, or if you forgot to make your ID column an IDENTITY, you may be missing a property on your column attribute called "IsDbGenerated". Be sure your column attribute looks something like this:


<Column(Name:="ID", DbType:="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", CanBeNull:=False, IsPrimaryKey:=True, IsDbGenerated:=True)>


In case you inserting several entities at once, may you are just trying to insert a duplicate entity into current datacontext. I know this is too simple, but it just happened to myself.



Are you trying to add multiple new objects in one hit where the LinqEntities are being created with a key of 0?


I had this issue in the past when I was trying to add items into a table on my page and then when I tried to delete or update these items, multiples would have the key 0. So obviously it didn't know what to do with my requests...



This is what I've been doing to get around this error. Basically you find where this row is in the database based on a primary key. If it doesn't exist then you insert it. Otherwise you get the version from the database and update all of the necessary fields.


public static void Update(Enquiry enquiry)
    JobsDataContext db = new JobsDataContext();

    var enquiries = from e in db.Enquiries
                    where e.PKID == enquiry.PKID
                    select e;

    if (enquiries.Count() < 1)
        Enquiry updateEnquiry = enquiries.Single();

        updateEnquiry.LengthMm = enquiry.LengthMm;
        updateEnquiry.ShippedQty = enquiry.ShippedQty;
        updateEnquiry.StatusCode = enquiry.StatusCode;


This can become tedious if you make updates to your database schema all the time, as you'll have to come back here to update the code.



I have a similar aproach to Noah's, but I use a stored procedure to verify if a record with that PK exists or not, this way the Entity is not loaded in the context and the update code only involves two lines of code and will not require changes in the future when you add/remove fields from the table, it will require to change the SP only if the PK of the table changes:


bool existe = Convert.ToBoolean(dbc.spSConfigReportesPeriodicos(configReportesPeriodicos.CodigoCliente));

if (existe)
    dbc.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, configReportesPeriodicos);

And here is the stored procedure:


ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.spSConfigReportesPeriodicos
    @codigoCliente int

IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.ConfigReportesPeriodicos WHERE CodigoCliente = @codigoCliente)
    RETURN 1
    RETURN 0



You shouldn't have to do that kind of checking to see whether you need to use Updates or Inserts - that's for Linq to do!

您不应该进行这种检查,看看是否需要使用更新或插入 - 这是Linq要做的!

Here's an example from a project I'm working on (sorry it's in VB.Net :) ) which demonstrates how to solve this.

这是我正在研究的一个项目的例子(对不起,这是在VB.Net :)),它演示了如何解决这个问题。

The code is yet unoptimised and pretty ugly - but it gets the point across. You can ignore the bit where it pulls values from the checkboxlist - that just shows how you can update child entities.

代码尚未经过优化,非常难看 - 但它得到了重点。您可以忽略从复选框列表中提取值的位 - 它只显示如何更新子实体。

Here's the OnUpdating method, which encompasses the update (this is truncated code):


Protected Sub LinqDataSource22_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinqDataSourceUpdateEventArgs) Handles LinqDataSource22.Updating

            ' The main entity
            Dim updatedObject As FeedbackDraft = e.NewObject

            updatedObject.Modified = DateTime.Now
            updatedObject.ModifiedBy = UserHelper.GetCurrentUserName

            ' Example: Modify the updated object
            Dim aList As RadioButtonList = FeedbackFormView.FindControl("MyRadioButtonList")
            If aList IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(aList.SelectedValue) Then
                updatedObject.aProperty = aList.SelectedValue
            End If

            ' Main context - for updating parent entity
            Using ctx As New CustomDataContext()

                ' Example: ... more modification of the main entity
                updatedObject.Status = "Draft"

                ' Deal with child items
                ' Secondary context - for checking against existing data in DB and removing items that have been unselected in the form
                Using ctx2 As New CustomDataContext()

                    ' We need to pull the record from the database to get the full constructed object graph
                    ' This method does a linq query to retrieve the FeedbackDraft object by ID
                    Dim originalObject As FeedbackDraft = GetOriginalFeedbackDraft(ctx2, updatedObject.FeedbackId)

                    ' ... truncated ...

                    ' Loop through CheckBoxList items and updated our entity graph
                    For Each li As ListItem In cbList.Items

                        ' ... code to work with ListItem truncated ...

                        Dim c As New ChildObject()
                        ' Set the child collection to insert - this is using the main context

                        ' We can also delete things using the secondary context
                        Dim o as OtherChildObject()
                        o = GetOtherChildObjectById(updatedObject.FeedbackId)

                End Using

                ' You can do further child object updates here...

                ' Now, attach main object for update
                ctx.PartnerFeedbackDrafts.Attach(updatedObject, e.OriginalObject)

            End Using

            e.Cancel = True

        End Sub


try this even if your TEntity's (here Area) ID is an Identifier column; Just it, without any change in your SP or Model:


public void InitForm()
    bnsEntity.DataSource = CacheManagement.cachedAreas;
    newID = CacheManagement.cachedAreas.LastOrDefault().areaID + 1;
    grdEntity.DataSource = bnsEntity;

private void tsbNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var newArea = new Area();
    newArea.areaID = (byte)newID++;


I had this problem after selecting a row from the database with the primary key of say 'BOB'. Then i would truncate the table with dc.ExecuteCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE ShippingReport"); and do SubmitChanges(), thinking this would get rid of the field and I'd be able to insert another with the same key, but I got the OP's error when trying to insert. Just had to do dc = new DataContext(); after the first SubmitChanges and that fixed it for me, since that object still existed in the DataContext, which is basically what bruno conde's answer says.

从主数据库中选择一行说'BOB'后,我遇到了这个问题。然后我会用dc.ExecuteCommand(“TRUNCATE TABLE ShippingReport”)截断表格;并且做SubmitChanges(),认为这将摆脱该字段,我将能够插入另一个具有相同的键,但我尝试插入时得到OP的错误。只需要做dc = new DataContext();在第一次SubmitChanges之后并为我修复它,因为该对象仍然存在于DataContext中,这基本上就是bruno conde的答案所说的。


In my case it happened in a situation where I had retrieved an entry, and then tried to update the entry with a new entry. Brainfart one might say, these things happens though. :p

在我的情况下,它发生在我检索了一个条目的情况下,然后尝试用新条目更新条目。 Brainfart有人可能会说,这些事情发生了。 :p

public void UpdateEntry(Entity entity)
    var oldEntry = select ....
    var updatedEntity = new Entity{...}; // mix of entity and oldEntry



public void UpdateEntry(Entity entity)
    var oldEntry = select ....

    oldEntry.CreationDate = entity.CreationDate {...}



I think this error happens if you Attach an entity to a DataContext that was already loaded.


The code that causes the error is exactly like you show here? After creating the new OffertaDataContext do you query anything before the Attach?



I was getting this error and it was because I had forgotten to set the Primary Key field in the database to "Identity Specification" (auto-increment). When I changed this I was good. Doh!



This might not be your issue (I can't tell), but it was mine and as people google this it might help someone else. If you aren't using the built-in Linq-to-SQL designer or SQLMetal stuff to generate your Linq-to-SQL classes, or if you forgot to make your ID column an IDENTITY, you may be missing a property on your column attribute called "IsDbGenerated". Be sure your column attribute looks something like this:


<Column(Name:="ID", DbType:="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", CanBeNull:=False, IsPrimaryKey:=True, IsDbGenerated:=True)>


In case you inserting several entities at once, may you are just trying to insert a duplicate entity into current datacontext. I know this is too simple, but it just happened to myself.



Are you trying to add multiple new objects in one hit where the LinqEntities are being created with a key of 0?


I had this issue in the past when I was trying to add items into a table on my page and then when I tried to delete or update these items, multiples would have the key 0. So obviously it didn't know what to do with my requests...



This is what I've been doing to get around this error. Basically you find where this row is in the database based on a primary key. If it doesn't exist then you insert it. Otherwise you get the version from the database and update all of the necessary fields.


public static void Update(Enquiry enquiry)
    JobsDataContext db = new JobsDataContext();

    var enquiries = from e in db.Enquiries
                    where e.PKID == enquiry.PKID
                    select e;

    if (enquiries.Count() < 1)
        Enquiry updateEnquiry = enquiries.Single();

        updateEnquiry.LengthMm = enquiry.LengthMm;
        updateEnquiry.ShippedQty = enquiry.ShippedQty;
        updateEnquiry.StatusCode = enquiry.StatusCode;


This can become tedious if you make updates to your database schema all the time, as you'll have to come back here to update the code.



I have a similar aproach to Noah's, but I use a stored procedure to verify if a record with that PK exists or not, this way the Entity is not loaded in the context and the update code only involves two lines of code and will not require changes in the future when you add/remove fields from the table, it will require to change the SP only if the PK of the table changes:


bool existe = Convert.ToBoolean(dbc.spSConfigReportesPeriodicos(configReportesPeriodicos.CodigoCliente));

if (existe)
    dbc.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, configReportesPeriodicos);

And here is the stored procedure:


ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.spSConfigReportesPeriodicos
    @codigoCliente int

IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.ConfigReportesPeriodicos WHERE CodigoCliente = @codigoCliente)
    RETURN 1
    RETURN 0



You shouldn't have to do that kind of checking to see whether you need to use Updates or Inserts - that's for Linq to do!

您不应该进行这种检查,看看是否需要使用更新或插入 - 这是Linq要做的!

Here's an example from a project I'm working on (sorry it's in VB.Net :) ) which demonstrates how to solve this.

这是我正在研究的一个项目的例子(对不起,这是在VB.Net :)),它演示了如何解决这个问题。

The code is yet unoptimised and pretty ugly - but it gets the point across. You can ignore the bit where it pulls values from the checkboxlist - that just shows how you can update child entities.

代码尚未经过优化,非常难看 - 但它得到了重点。您可以忽略从复选框列表中提取值的位 - 它只显示如何更新子实体。

Here's the OnUpdating method, which encompasses the update (this is truncated code):


Protected Sub LinqDataSource22_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinqDataSourceUpdateEventArgs) Handles LinqDataSource22.Updating

            ' The main entity
            Dim updatedObject As FeedbackDraft = e.NewObject

            updatedObject.Modified = DateTime.Now
            updatedObject.ModifiedBy = UserHelper.GetCurrentUserName

            ' Example: Modify the updated object
            Dim aList As RadioButtonList = FeedbackFormView.FindControl("MyRadioButtonList")
            If aList IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(aList.SelectedValue) Then
                updatedObject.aProperty = aList.SelectedValue
            End If

            ' Main context - for updating parent entity
            Using ctx As New CustomDataContext()

                ' Example: ... more modification of the main entity
                updatedObject.Status = "Draft"

                ' Deal with child items
                ' Secondary context - for checking against existing data in DB and removing items that have been unselected in the form
                Using ctx2 As New CustomDataContext()

                    ' We need to pull the record from the database to get the full constructed object graph
                    ' This method does a linq query to retrieve the FeedbackDraft object by ID
                    Dim originalObject As FeedbackDraft = GetOriginalFeedbackDraft(ctx2, updatedObject.FeedbackId)

                    ' ... truncated ...

                    ' Loop through CheckBoxList items and updated our entity graph
                    For Each li As ListItem In cbList.Items

                        ' ... code to work with ListItem truncated ...

                        Dim c As New ChildObject()
                        ' Set the child collection to insert - this is using the main context

                        ' We can also delete things using the secondary context
                        Dim o as OtherChildObject()
                        o = GetOtherChildObjectById(updatedObject.FeedbackId)

                End Using

                ' You can do further child object updates here...

                ' Now, attach main object for update
                ctx.PartnerFeedbackDrafts.Attach(updatedObject, e.OriginalObject)

            End Using

            e.Cancel = True

        End Sub


try this even if your TEntity's (here Area) ID is an Identifier column; Just it, without any change in your SP or Model:


public void InitForm()
    bnsEntity.DataSource = CacheManagement.cachedAreas;
    newID = CacheManagement.cachedAreas.LastOrDefault().areaID + 1;
    grdEntity.DataSource = bnsEntity;

private void tsbNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var newArea = new Area();
    newArea.areaID = (byte)newID++;


I had this problem after selecting a row from the database with the primary key of say 'BOB'. Then i would truncate the table with dc.ExecuteCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE ShippingReport"); and do SubmitChanges(), thinking this would get rid of the field and I'd be able to insert another with the same key, but I got the OP's error when trying to insert. Just had to do dc = new DataContext(); after the first SubmitChanges and that fixed it for me, since that object still existed in the DataContext, which is basically what bruno conde's answer says.

从主数据库中选择一行说'BOB'后,我遇到了这个问题。然后我会用dc.ExecuteCommand(“TRUNCATE TABLE ShippingReport”)截断表格;并且做SubmitChanges(),认为这将摆脱该字段,我将能够插入另一个具有相同的键,但我尝试插入时得到OP的错误。只需要做dc = new DataContext();在第一次SubmitChanges之后并为我修复它,因为该对象仍然存在于DataContext中,这基本上就是bruno conde的答案所说的。


In my case it happened in a situation where I had retrieved an entry, and then tried to update the entry with a new entry. Brainfart one might say, these things happens though. :p

在我的情况下,它发生在我检索了一个条目的情况下,然后尝试用新条目更新条目。 Brainfart有人可能会说,这些事情发生了。 :p

public void UpdateEntry(Entity entity)
    var oldEntry = select ....
    var updatedEntity = new Entity{...}; // mix of entity and oldEntry



public void UpdateEntry(Entity entity)
    var oldEntry = select ....

    oldEntry.CreationDate = entity.CreationDate {...}
