When I design a temporary table as follows, the manager growls at the name #Temp and marks it with red highlight.
drop table #Temp
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
When I hover over the highlight, the reason is - as expected - that the name isn't recognized.
当我将鼠标悬停在突出显示上时,原因是 - 正如预期的那样 - 无法识别该名称。
Cannot drop the table '#Temp', because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
Now, I'm not a SQL developer - I come from C# and I'm spoiled by intellisense, Resharper and what not, so I dislike when something is highlighted (even although it works). I installed Management Studio 11.x just to get the intellisense working and I want to get my money worth, if possible.
现在,我不是一个SQL开发人员 - 我来自C#而且我被intellisense,Resharper和什么不被宠坏了,所以我不喜欢什么时候突出显示(尽管它有效)。我安装了Management Studio 11.x只是为了让intellisense正常工作,如果可能的话,我希望得到我的钱。
The question is - can I do something about the highlight (purely visually, because the functionality is - as pointed out earlier - as it's supposed to)?
问题是 - 我可以对突出显示做些什么(纯粹在视觉上,因为功能是 - 如前所述 - 正如它应该的那样)?
Please note that the question is not about why it happens or if it's a problem. I do understand perfectly well why and I'm declaring it to be a problem (yeah, I admit it's not the biggest issue but it's big enough for me to actually invest time asking). Also, I'm human (i.e. lazy-ish) so a simple solution will do. :)
请注意,问题不在于它为何会发生或者是否有问题。我完全理解为什么和我宣布它是一个问题(是的,我承认这不是最大的问题,但它足以让我真正投入时间来询问)。而且,我是人(即懒惰),所以一个简单的解决方案就可以了。 :)
3 个解决方案
It can be achieved by the combination ctrlshiftR.
You are receiving this issue because #temp does not exist yet. You either need to check for it's existence like so:
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') is not null
drop table #temp
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
or you can just drop the table after you've used it:
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
Drop table #Temp
use like this way :-
像这样使用: -
If Object_Id('tempdb.dbo.#Temp') Is Not Null Drop Table #Temp;
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
You need to check if the table exists before trying to drop it of course. Otherwise the IDE will keep on giving you red lines.
if exists(select 1 from tempdb.sys.tables where object_id = object_id('tempdb..#Temp'))
drop table #Temp
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
It will also be better to rerun your script without having to select individual steps.
It can be achieved by the combination ctrlshiftR.
You are receiving this issue because #temp does not exist yet. You either need to check for it's existence like so:
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') is not null
drop table #temp
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
or you can just drop the table after you've used it:
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
Drop table #Temp
use like this way :-
像这样使用: -
If Object_Id('tempdb.dbo.#Temp') Is Not Null Drop Table #Temp;
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
You need to check if the table exists before trying to drop it of course. Otherwise the IDE will keep on giving you red lines.
if exists(select 1 from tempdb.sys.tables where object_id = object_id('tempdb..#Temp'))
drop table #Temp
select * into #Temp
from Donkeys
It will also be better to rerun your script without having to select individual steps.