
时间:2021-09-29 16:40:42

I am getting started and could not find anything or anything that i understand on uploading POST submitted image in Meteor, is it supported right out of the box, if not how do i handle it?


So Far Manage to break it down as:


  1. I need to make Server side Route to handle POST request (Not solid Idea on where to look for it)
  2. 我需要使用服务器端路由来处理POST请求(不知道在哪里查找它)

  3. I need to use some kind of middleware for accepting POST Data (File/Image) [No Idea how to do it or where to look to learn it]


  4. Integrate Image Upload Meteor Package with that received Data and Upload the Image [with little playing around may be i can do it]


SO my question is how do i do, Step 1, 2 and 3, where do i have to look into? If its the bad approach, please suggest me a good one.



The reason I need to handle POST on my own is because i needed to upload images that are send by WYSIWYG text editors, many of them send the inline Images via POST url. Meteor-CollectionFS cannot be used with POST and I couldn't figure out how to integrate Meteor Upload with mapped POST URL and send the data to Meteor Upload for insert after receiving the file object at server.

我需要自己处理POST的原因是因为我需要上传由WYSIWYG文本编辑器发送的图像,其中许多人通过POST URL发送内联图像。 Meteor-CollectionFS不能与POST一起使用,我无法弄清楚如何将Meteor Upload与映射的POST URL集成,并在收到服务器上的文件对象后将数据发送到Meteor Upload进行插入。

1 个解决方案


Technically speaking you more or less have the idea of what you need to do. However, implementing image upload has a lot of nuances that will a) teach you quite a bit if you do decide to implement it on your own and b) will be a pain to implement yourself.


If all you want is a pretty robust, scalable, and customizable image upload solution I would suggest:



It is build on top of the jquery file uploader, which is a very successful, maintained, and easy to use upload project. Alternatively, if you would like to upload to a Mongo GridFS you might want to look at:

它构建在jquery文件上传器之上,这是一个非常成功,维护且易于使用的上传项目。或者,如果您想上传到Mongo GridFS,您可能需要查看:


Both solutions are good but they each take a different approach to the problem. Each work pretty much out of the box but give plenty of room for configurability.



Technically speaking you more or less have the idea of what you need to do. However, implementing image upload has a lot of nuances that will a) teach you quite a bit if you do decide to implement it on your own and b) will be a pain to implement yourself.


If all you want is a pretty robust, scalable, and customizable image upload solution I would suggest:



It is build on top of the jquery file uploader, which is a very successful, maintained, and easy to use upload project. Alternatively, if you would like to upload to a Mongo GridFS you might want to look at:

它构建在jquery文件上传器之上,这是一个非常成功,维护且易于使用的上传项目。或者,如果您想上传到Mongo GridFS,您可能需要查看:


Both solutions are good but they each take a different approach to the problem. Each work pretty much out of the box but give plenty of room for configurability.
