
时间:2021-09-29 16:40:54

I'm creating a Blaze View with the following call:

我正在使用以下调用创建Blaze View:

Blaze.renderWithData(Template.my_template, myobj._id, html.node());

my_template looks like this:


<template name="my_template">
  {{> Template.dynamic template=whichTemplate data=sdata}}

The sdata helper looks like this:


sdata: function() {
  return Doodads.findOne({_id: this});

Which fails with the following error:


Exception in template helper: TypeError: selKey.substr is not a function


If I do console.log(this) within that helper, I get:


String {0: "N", 1: "7", 2: "j", 3: "o", 4: "y", 5: "g", 6: "w", 7: "P", 8: "g", 9: "e", 10: "s", 11: "R", 12: "f", 13: "w", 14: "q", 15: "o", 16: "7", length: 17, [[PrimitiveValue]]: "N7joygwPgesRfwqo7"}

To correct the problem, I can change the findOne() line to:


  return Doodads.findOne({_id: ""+this});

Which works as expected.


I am posting this question to help myself (and others) understand what is going on here.


Mainly I want to know:


  • Why is there difference between using a String{...} object and a regular string for this call (i.e, why doesn't the selector key object have a substr() method when I'm using a different/weird selector value)?
  • 为什么在此调用中使用String {...}对象和常规字符串之间存在差异(即,当我使用不同/奇怪的选择器值时,为什么选择器键对象没有substr()方法) ?

  • Why does the _id property show up as this weird String{...} object as the template data this when the _id property is usually just a string? Or is it not usually and I've just never noticed?
  • 当_id属性通常只是一个字符串时,为什么_id属性显示为这个奇怪的String {...}对象作为模板数据?或者通常不是,我从来没有注意到?

I've solved the problem with the ""+this hack, but is there a more proper way to do this?


2 个解决方案



what is wrong?

According to the Blaze API docs, the signature is:

根据Blaze API文档,签名是:

Blaze.renderWithData(templateOrView, data, parentNode, [nextNode], [parentView])


data Object or Function


The data context to use, or a function returning a data context. If a function is provided, it will be reactively re-run.


The data context, in your case, should be an object which includes a whichTemplate property and some id that you can use in your helper.


Blaze.renderWithData(Template.my_template, {
  _id: myId, 
  whichTemplate: someTemplateName
}, someNode);

or, instead of a data object, pass a function that will be reactively re-run.


With this setup, your helper code should be something like:


sdata: function() {
  return Doodads.findOne(this._id);

source of the error you were seeing

If you are interested in the cause of the error you were getting, here's what is going on:


In blaze, the countext is bound to the template helper's this reference using Function.protptype.apply(thisArg, [argsArray]) (in this line).


According to the EcmaScript standard, if thisArg is a primitive, it will be boxed.



The value of this provided for the call to fun. Note that this may not be the actual value seen by the method: if the method is a function in non-strict mode code, null and undefined will be replaced with the global object, and primitive values will be boxed.


(source: MDN)

This causes a String object, which does not have a substr method, be transferred to the MiniMongo.Collection's find() method, which fails here.




If your data is created from some other source than a Meteor subscription, it could be that your _id is a MongoDB ObjectId, which is not a string.

如果您的数据是从Meteor订阅之外的其他来源创建的,则可能是您的_id是MongoDB ObjectId,它不是字符串。

Have a look in the Mongo shell, if you do a .findOne on the myobj object and it shows up looking something like

看看Mongo shell,如果你在myobj对象上做一个.findOne,它会显示出像

"_id" : ObjectId("57cd946429bca10300f0fd55")



what is wrong?

According to the Blaze API docs, the signature is:

根据Blaze API文档,签名是:

Blaze.renderWithData(templateOrView, data, parentNode, [nextNode], [parentView])


data Object or Function


The data context to use, or a function returning a data context. If a function is provided, it will be reactively re-run.


The data context, in your case, should be an object which includes a whichTemplate property and some id that you can use in your helper.


Blaze.renderWithData(Template.my_template, {
  _id: myId, 
  whichTemplate: someTemplateName
}, someNode);

or, instead of a data object, pass a function that will be reactively re-run.


With this setup, your helper code should be something like:


sdata: function() {
  return Doodads.findOne(this._id);

source of the error you were seeing

If you are interested in the cause of the error you were getting, here's what is going on:


In blaze, the countext is bound to the template helper's this reference using Function.protptype.apply(thisArg, [argsArray]) (in this line).


According to the EcmaScript standard, if thisArg is a primitive, it will be boxed.



The value of this provided for the call to fun. Note that this may not be the actual value seen by the method: if the method is a function in non-strict mode code, null and undefined will be replaced with the global object, and primitive values will be boxed.


(source: MDN)

This causes a String object, which does not have a substr method, be transferred to the MiniMongo.Collection's find() method, which fails here.




If your data is created from some other source than a Meteor subscription, it could be that your _id is a MongoDB ObjectId, which is not a string.

如果您的数据是从Meteor订阅之外的其他来源创建的,则可能是您的_id是MongoDB ObjectId,它不是字符串。

Have a look in the Mongo shell, if you do a .findOne on the myobj object and it shows up looking something like

看看Mongo shell,如果你在myobj对象上做一个.findOne,它会显示出像

"_id" : ObjectId("57cd946429bca10300f0fd55")