
时间:2021-07-17 16:27:17

When user sends a multi part form with files/images selected, generally in Meteor or node.js, the server side POST url handler uses this.request or req or request object to detect whether its a POST method or any other and its headers etc but what I don't understand is, where is the actually file located at this request object and how do I retrieve it so that it can be used for image/file upload or certain manipulations at server?

当用户发送选择了文件/图像的多部分表单时,通常在Meteor或node.js中,服务器端POST url处理程序使用this.request或req或request对象来检测它是POST方法还是其他任何及其标题等但我不明白的是,实际文件位于此请求对象的哪个位置以及如何检索它以便它可用于图像/文件上载或服务器上的某些操作?

1 个解决方案


node provides the querystring api to parse strings that look like:



...which is how multi part form data is also sent. Parsing this with that api will return an object:


{ foo: 'bar', baz: ['qux', 'quux'], corge: '' }

So, you can first detect the method of the request, and if it is POST, you can attach a handler to 'data', get all the data into your own variable, and on 'end' , parse it using querystring:


var qs = require('querystring');

// your request callback function would be something like:
function (request,response){
        var body = '';
            body += data;

            //reject requests that have sent too much data (eg 2MB):
            if(body.length > 2e6){
                // Send HTTP status code for `Request Entity Too Large`:
        request.on('end', function(){
             var form = qs.parse(body);
             //use form as object
    } // end if
} // end handler


node provides the querystring api to parse strings that look like:



...which is how multi part form data is also sent. Parsing this with that api will return an object:


{ foo: 'bar', baz: ['qux', 'quux'], corge: '' }

So, you can first detect the method of the request, and if it is POST, you can attach a handler to 'data', get all the data into your own variable, and on 'end' , parse it using querystring:


var qs = require('querystring');

// your request callback function would be something like:
function (request,response){
        var body = '';
            body += data;

            //reject requests that have sent too much data (eg 2MB):
            if(body.length > 2e6){
                // Send HTTP status code for `Request Entity Too Large`:
        request.on('end', function(){
             var form = qs.parse(body);
             //use form as object
    } // end if
} // end handler