
时间:2022-07-06 16:39:59

I started a simple project with Meteor. But now it is getting complicated. I am trying add a management panel for project. I want to separate site and its panel. But every css and js files are both sent to site and management.


Environment: I am hosting project at meteor.com. My development machine is Windows 7. I cant use meteorite. If you are going to suggest me to use mrt add router, you are welcome. but currently i cant do it.

环境:我在气象局主持项目。我的开发机器是Windows 7。我不能用陨石。如果你打算建议我使用mrt添加路由器,欢迎你。但目前我做不到。

Current directory structure:


  • client (client.js, index.html, css files, other js files like jquery plugins)
  • 客户端(客户端。js、索引。html、css文件、jquery等js文件)
  • server (server.js)
  • 服务器(server.js)
  • public (image files for UI)
  • 公共(UI的图像文件)


I have 1 index file which is:



    {{> root}}

root template is using some other templates inside. I may use 2 different index files. 1 for site and 1 for management panel.


root template:


<template name="root">
    {{#if adminURL}}
        {{> adminLogin}}
        {{> site}}

adminLogin template:


<template name="adminLogin">
    {{#if currentUser}}
        {{> management}}
        admin login page.
            <div style="float: right">
              {{loginButtons align="right"}}

management template:


<template name="management">
    <div id="header" class="navbar">
    <div id="container" class="row-fluid">

site template:


<template name="management">
     <h1>Hello World!</h1>

1 个解决方案



TLDR; If you put your files over in the /public folder, they wont automatically be sent to the client, they just need to be referenced manually.


To reference your files manually, just add them into your HTML just before where your </body> is. So for a file at /public/js/myFile1.js :


    <script type="text/javascript"  src="/js/myFile1.js"></script>

All of the following are sent to the client, all js,css,font & html files in the top level (root directory that & subdirectories that aren't:


  • server
  • 服务器
  • public
  • 公共
  • assets
  • 资产
  • packages
  • public
  • 公共
  • folders that begin with a '.'
  • 以“。”开头的文件夹。
  • or tests (not sure)
  • 或测试(不确定)

are all concatenated into a single file and sent to the client.


So in the public folder meteor pretty much ignores them. You can manually reference them to include them if you wish.


Another option might be to make a private package so you can explicitly decide on which files you want to include, this makes it easy to also use your same design on different related meteor apps.




TLDR; If you put your files over in the /public folder, they wont automatically be sent to the client, they just need to be referenced manually.


To reference your files manually, just add them into your HTML just before where your </body> is. So for a file at /public/js/myFile1.js :


    <script type="text/javascript"  src="/js/myFile1.js"></script>

All of the following are sent to the client, all js,css,font & html files in the top level (root directory that & subdirectories that aren't:


  • server
  • 服务器
  • public
  • 公共
  • assets
  • 资产
  • packages
  • public
  • 公共
  • folders that begin with a '.'
  • 以“。”开头的文件夹。
  • or tests (not sure)
  • 或测试(不确定)

are all concatenated into a single file and sent to the client.


So in the public folder meteor pretty much ignores them. You can manually reference them to include them if you wish.


Another option might be to make a private package so you can explicitly decide on which files you want to include, this makes it easy to also use your same design on different related meteor apps.
