
时间:2022-12-09 19:40:49

I have a class hierarchy as such:


        +-- VirtualNode
INode --+                  +-- SiteNode
        |                  |
        +-- AbstractNode --+
                           +-- SiteSubNode

And a corresponding NodeCollection class that is build on INode. In order to display a NodeCollection I need to know the final type of each member. So I need a function like this


foreach (INode n in myNodeCollection)
        // Display n as SiteNode

Now, this is really not an object oriented way of doing it. Are there any patterns or recommended ways of doing the same thing, in your opinion?


I already thought of adding a Display or Render method to the INode interface. That has the side effect of coupling the view to the model, which I would really like to avoid.


3 个解决方案



What you're after is the visitor pattern, I think.





When ever you have a select statement using the type of an object, it is a prime candidate for refactoring to polymorphism.


Check out the book Refactoring by Martin Fowler:

看看Martin Fowler的重构书:

"One of the most obvious symptoms of object-oriented code is its comparative lack of switch (or case) statements. The problem with switch statements is essentially that of duplication. Often you find the same switch statement scattered about a program in different places. If you add a new clause to the switch, you have to find all these switch, statements and change them. The objectoriented notion of polymorphism gives you an elegant way to deal with this problem.


Most times you see a switch statement you should consider polymorphism. The issue is where the polymorphism should occur. Often the switch statement switches on a type code. You want the method or class that hosts the type code value. So use Extract Method to extract the switch statement and then Move Method to get it onto the class where the polymorphism is needed. At that point you have to decide whether to Replace Type Code with Subclasses or Replace Type Code with State/Strategy. When you have set up the inheritance structure, you can use Replace Conditional with Polymorphism."

大多数时候你会看到一个switch语句,你应该考虑多态性。问题在于多态性应该发生的地方。通常,switch语句会打开类型代码。您需要承载类型代码值的方法或类。因此,使用Extract Method提取switch语句,然后使用Move Method将其移到需要多态的类上。此时,您必须决定是使用子类替换类型代码还是使用状态/策略替换类型代码。设置继承结构后,可以使用Replace Conditional with Polymorphism。“

Here is one approach to using polymorphism in your situation:


  1. Define an abstract method in AbstractNode named something like Display().


  2. Then actually implement Display() in each of the SiteNode and SiteSubNode classes.


  3. Then, when you need to display these nodes, you could simply iterate through a collection containing items of type AbstractNode and call Display() for each.


  4. The call to Display() will automatically resolve to the actual concrete implementation for the real type of that item.


  5. Note: You could also move the Display() method from AbstractNode to the INode interface if VirtualNode is to be displayed.




If you can change the INode interface - add a virtual method that returns the "view" and override it in the inherited classes.

如果可以更改INode接口 - 添加一个返回“视图”的虚方法,并在继承的类中重写它。

If you can't change the base interface - implement extension methods for each of the classes and have them return the "view" of for each particular class.

如果你不能改变基接口 - 为每个类实现扩展方法,并让它们返回每个特定类的“视图”。



What you're after is the visitor pattern, I think.





When ever you have a select statement using the type of an object, it is a prime candidate for refactoring to polymorphism.


Check out the book Refactoring by Martin Fowler:

看看Martin Fowler的重构书:

"One of the most obvious symptoms of object-oriented code is its comparative lack of switch (or case) statements. The problem with switch statements is essentially that of duplication. Often you find the same switch statement scattered about a program in different places. If you add a new clause to the switch, you have to find all these switch, statements and change them. The objectoriented notion of polymorphism gives you an elegant way to deal with this problem.


Most times you see a switch statement you should consider polymorphism. The issue is where the polymorphism should occur. Often the switch statement switches on a type code. You want the method or class that hosts the type code value. So use Extract Method to extract the switch statement and then Move Method to get it onto the class where the polymorphism is needed. At that point you have to decide whether to Replace Type Code with Subclasses or Replace Type Code with State/Strategy. When you have set up the inheritance structure, you can use Replace Conditional with Polymorphism."

大多数时候你会看到一个switch语句,你应该考虑多态性。问题在于多态性应该发生的地方。通常,switch语句会打开类型代码。您需要承载类型代码值的方法或类。因此,使用Extract Method提取switch语句,然后使用Move Method将其移到需要多态的类上。此时,您必须决定是使用子类替换类型代码还是使用状态/策略替换类型代码。设置继承结构后,可以使用Replace Conditional with Polymorphism。“

Here is one approach to using polymorphism in your situation:


  1. Define an abstract method in AbstractNode named something like Display().


  2. Then actually implement Display() in each of the SiteNode and SiteSubNode classes.


  3. Then, when you need to display these nodes, you could simply iterate through a collection containing items of type AbstractNode and call Display() for each.


  4. The call to Display() will automatically resolve to the actual concrete implementation for the real type of that item.


  5. Note: You could also move the Display() method from AbstractNode to the INode interface if VirtualNode is to be displayed.




If you can change the INode interface - add a virtual method that returns the "view" and override it in the inherited classes.

如果可以更改INode接口 - 添加一个返回“视图”的虚方法,并在继承的类中重写它。

If you can't change the base interface - implement extension methods for each of the classes and have them return the "view" of for each particular class.

如果你不能改变基接口 - 为每个类实现扩展方法,并让它们返回每个特定类的“视图”。