加载动态HTML - 服务器端或客户端

时间:2021-11-10 16:23:22

I have been working on a project, where I'm making AJAX call to load 100's of record from database, which would then be rendered on a slider.


To be precise, the data I would be fetching is the 'Image Path' for all the images, and other details such as 'the size of slider thumbnail', 'number of thumbnails to show', etc.


For this list of data, I have 2 options: 1. To generate the HTML on the server-side and send it to client, where it will be applied to the slider. 2. To generate and send json data to client. Parsing this json data and generating the Slides for the Slider.

对于这个数据列表,我有两个选项:1。在服务器端生成HTML并将其发送到客户端,它将应用于滑块。 2.生成json数据并将其发送到客户端。解析此json数据并为Slider生成幻灯片。

I'm confused as to which approach to use, for better overall performance for client/server. Google search and reading articles states me that using json data is a faster. However, after performing few initial test to fetch and render HTML shows that generating HTML on server side and sending it to client for rendering is much faster than sending the json data to the client and preparing the HTML for rendering.


It would be great if someone would put a light on this issue, where the server gets about 4k-5k hits per hour.


2 个解决方案



There's a lot of really great discussion around this topic, however I tend to side with client side rendering. My reasoning is 1. If your server is getting hit very often, server side rendering slows down the response time of your server and can cause really long queue times, and 2. Because you're making the request separately from your markup and styling, you can have a splash page or some waiting animation on the user side as opposed to having them sit at a white screen while your server is compiling everything. This is just my opinion, but I've found client side rendering to provide the best UX as well as offloading computations from your web server is often a good idea




I like the answer on this link. A Short Description what it is about (Copy-Paste):


I'm a bit on both sides, actually :


  • When what I need on the javascript side is data, I use JSON
  • 当我在javascript方面需要的是数据时,我使用JSON

  • When what I need on the javascript side is presentation on which I will not do any calculation, I generally use HTML
  • 当我在javascript方面需要的是我不会做任何计算的演示时,我通常使用HTML

The main advantage of using HTML is when you want to replace a full portion of your page with what comes back from the Ajax request :


  • Re-building a portion of page in JS is (quite) hard


  • You probably already have some templating engine on the server side, that was used to generate the page in the first place... Why not reuse it ?


I generally don't really take into consideration the "performance" side of things, at least on the server :


  • On the server, generating a portion of HTML or some JSON won't probably make that much of a difference


  • About the size of the stuff that goes through the network : well, you probably don't use hundreds of KB of data/html... Using gzip on whatever you are transferring is what's going to make the biggest difference (not choosing between HTML and JSON)

    关于通过网络的东西的大小:好吧,你可能不使用数百KB的数据/ HTML ...使用gzip进行任何你传输的是最大的区别(不在HTML之间选择)和JSON)

  • One thing that could be taken into consideration, though, is what resources you'll need on the client to recreate the HTML (or the DOM structure) from the JSON data... compare that to pushing a portion of HTML into the page ;-)

    但是,可以考虑的一件事是,客户端需要从JSON数据重新创建HTML(或DOM结构)的资源...将其与将部分HTML推入页面进行比较; - )



There's a lot of really great discussion around this topic, however I tend to side with client side rendering. My reasoning is 1. If your server is getting hit very often, server side rendering slows down the response time of your server and can cause really long queue times, and 2. Because you're making the request separately from your markup and styling, you can have a splash page or some waiting animation on the user side as opposed to having them sit at a white screen while your server is compiling everything. This is just my opinion, but I've found client side rendering to provide the best UX as well as offloading computations from your web server is often a good idea




I like the answer on this link. A Short Description what it is about (Copy-Paste):


I'm a bit on both sides, actually :


  • When what I need on the javascript side is data, I use JSON
  • 当我在javascript方面需要的是数据时,我使用JSON

  • When what I need on the javascript side is presentation on which I will not do any calculation, I generally use HTML
  • 当我在javascript方面需要的是我不会做任何计算的演示时,我通常使用HTML

The main advantage of using HTML is when you want to replace a full portion of your page with what comes back from the Ajax request :


  • Re-building a portion of page in JS is (quite) hard


  • You probably already have some templating engine on the server side, that was used to generate the page in the first place... Why not reuse it ?


I generally don't really take into consideration the "performance" side of things, at least on the server :


  • On the server, generating a portion of HTML or some JSON won't probably make that much of a difference


  • About the size of the stuff that goes through the network : well, you probably don't use hundreds of KB of data/html... Using gzip on whatever you are transferring is what's going to make the biggest difference (not choosing between HTML and JSON)

    关于通过网络的东西的大小:好吧,你可能不使用数百KB的数据/ HTML ...使用gzip进行任何你传输的是最大的区别(不在HTML之间选择)和JSON)

  • One thing that could be taken into consideration, though, is what resources you'll need on the client to recreate the HTML (or the DOM structure) from the JSON data... compare that to pushing a portion of HTML into the page ;-)

    但是,可以考虑的一件事是,客户端需要从JSON数据重新创建HTML(或DOM结构)的资源...将其与将部分HTML推入页面进行比较; - )