时间:2022-01-31 15:10:30

I am all about using ASP.NET MVC, but one of the areas that I hope gets improved on is Client-Side Validation.

我所有关于使用ASP.NET MVC,但我希望改进的领域之一是客户端验证。

I know the most recent version (Preview 5) has a lot of new features for Validation, but they all seem to be after the page has been posted.


I have seen an interesting article by Steve Sanderson... using Live Validation, Castle.Components.Validator.dll, and a Validator framework he made.

我看过Steve Sanderson的一篇有趣的文章......使用实时验证,Castle.Components.Validator.dll和他制作的Validator框架。

I have used it in my project, but I am hoping something like it will get integrated into the official ASP.NET MVC release. I definitely think the business rules should reside either on the model or in the controller rather than in the View.

我在我的项目中使用过它,但我希望它能够集成到官方的ASP.NET MVC版本中。我绝对认为业务规则应该驻留在模型上或控制器中而不是视图中。

Have any of you used a similar approach?


Are you aware of something like this being added to the official ASP.NET MVC release?

您是否意识到将这样的内容添加到官方ASP.NET MVC版本中?

5 个解决方案



"Obviously you'll still need to validate your input on the server side for the small percentage of users who disable javascript."


Just an update to this comment. Server-side validation has nothing to do with users that run with JavaScript disabled. Instead, it is needed for security reasons, and to do complex validation that can't be done on the client. A form should always have server-side validation. Client-side validation is only there as a convenience.


A malicious user could easily post data to your form bypassing any client-side validation that you have in place. Never trust input data!




I agree with other posters, client side validation is strictly for improving user experience.


Check out the JQuery Validation plugin. It's super easy to get started with basic validation -- literally one line of JS plus adding class names to the input controls. It's also very powerful. You can extend to do whatever you want.

查看JQuery Validation插件。开始使用基本验证非常容易 - 实际上是一行JS以及向输入控件添加类名。它也非常强大。您可以扩展以执行任何操作。



LiveValidation is another helpful javascript library that can help out. See an example (with ASP.NET MVC) here:

LiveValidation是另一个有用的javascript库,可以提供帮助。在这里查看一个示例(使用ASP.NET MVC):



Have a look at this blog article. It describes how to automatically generate client-side validation rules with xVal and also how to automatically implement remote client-side validation.




It looks like this area will see lots of improvement in ASP.NET MVC 2

看起来这个领域将在ASP.NET MVC 2中看到很多改进



"Obviously you'll still need to validate your input on the server side for the small percentage of users who disable javascript."


Just an update to this comment. Server-side validation has nothing to do with users that run with JavaScript disabled. Instead, it is needed for security reasons, and to do complex validation that can't be done on the client. A form should always have server-side validation. Client-side validation is only there as a convenience.


A malicious user could easily post data to your form bypassing any client-side validation that you have in place. Never trust input data!




I agree with other posters, client side validation is strictly for improving user experience.


Check out the JQuery Validation plugin. It's super easy to get started with basic validation -- literally one line of JS plus adding class names to the input controls. It's also very powerful. You can extend to do whatever you want.

查看JQuery Validation插件。开始使用基本验证非常容易 - 实际上是一行JS以及向输入控件添加类名。它也非常强大。您可以扩展以执行任何操作。



LiveValidation is another helpful javascript library that can help out. See an example (with ASP.NET MVC) here:

LiveValidation是另一个有用的javascript库,可以提供帮助。在这里查看一个示例(使用ASP.NET MVC):



Have a look at this blog article. It describes how to automatically generate client-side validation rules with xVal and also how to automatically implement remote client-side validation.




It looks like this area will see lots of improvement in ASP.NET MVC 2

看起来这个领域将在ASP.NET MVC 2中看到很多改进