So I have ASP.NET running on the server in IIS7. I think I'm going to use MVC for some static pages and basic dynamic forms - but the majority of the client side is written in Flash/ActionScript.
所以我在IIS7中的服务器上运行ASP.NET。我想我会将MVC用于一些静态页面和基本动态表单 - 但是大多数客户端都是用Flash / ActionScript编写的。
What's the simplest, most succint, most DRY way of building/generating proxies between client and server?
Which format should I use?
- Binary
And which comms protocol should I use?
- HTTP via MVC Controller actions
I'm probably missing some format or protocol, but basically it should be relatively efficient, not require alot of plumbing code and preferably auto-generates client-side proxies.
6 个解决方案
WSDL web services are very easy to consume in Flash and simple to create in .NET.
WSDL Web服务在Flash中非常容易使用,并且在.NET中很容易创建。
I'd also suggest you at least look into AMF, which is Adobe's proprietary binary format for exchanging data between client and server. There are a couple of implementations for .NET, including and weborb.
我还建议你至少研究一下AMF,这是Adobe专有的二进制格式,用于在客户端和服务器之间交换数据。 .NET有几种实现,包括amf.net和weborb。
I've never used it, but I've heard really great things about weborb:
i've consumed JSON in swfs .. pretty simple using a3corelib stuff
我在swfs中使用了JSON ..使用a3corelib的东西非常简单
I have had a good experience with - It appears to be very similar to WebORB but its free and open source. I don't think Flash/ActionScript supports WCF..
我在FluorineFX.net上有过很好的经验 - 它似乎与WebORB非常相似,但是它的免费和开源。我不认为Flash / ActionScript支持WCF ..
You should note that (in the research I've done) there is no way to send a packed from the server to the client - the client must make all requests.
您应该注意(在我已经完成的研究中)没有办法从服务器向客户端发送打包 - 客户端必须发出所有请求。
We use Weborb at my work. I highly recommend it. There are some gotchas with the way Weborb handles serialization on both ends. Just make sure in your .NET classes you don't have member names the same as class names.
我们在工作中使用Weborb。我强烈推荐它。 Weborb在两端处理序列化的方式存在一些问题。只需确保在.NET类中没有与类名相同的成员名称。
EDIT: The free developer edition of Weborb should meet most people's needs. Weborb has the distinct advantage of speed, because it uses the binary AMF format to talk over the wire instead of JSON or SOAP.
编辑:Weborb的免费开发人员版本应该满足大多数人的需求。 Weborb具有速度的独特优势,因为它使用二进制AMF格式通过线路而不是JSON或SOAP进行通信。
I second WebORB. It uses the AMF protocol which is that fastest way to get data in and out. You can easily expose your .NET services and have typed objects going in and out. You can use RMI and Messaging. It's a free product and does a great job...
WCF supports Flash..! Done with "AJAX-enabled WCF Service" and WebInvoke(Method = "POST")
WCF支持Flash ..!完成“支持AJAX的WCF服务”和WebInvoke(Method =“POST”)
WSDL web services are very easy to consume in Flash and simple to create in .NET.
WSDL Web服务在Flash中非常容易使用,并且在.NET中很容易创建。
I'd also suggest you at least look into AMF, which is Adobe's proprietary binary format for exchanging data between client and server. There are a couple of implementations for .NET, including and weborb.
我还建议你至少研究一下AMF,这是Adobe专有的二进制格式,用于在客户端和服务器之间交换数据。 .NET有几种实现,包括amf.net和weborb。
I've never used it, but I've heard really great things about weborb:
i've consumed JSON in swfs .. pretty simple using a3corelib stuff
我在swfs中使用了JSON ..使用a3corelib的东西非常简单
I have had a good experience with - It appears to be very similar to WebORB but its free and open source. I don't think Flash/ActionScript supports WCF..
我在FluorineFX.net上有过很好的经验 - 它似乎与WebORB非常相似,但是它的免费和开源。我不认为Flash / ActionScript支持WCF ..
You should note that (in the research I've done) there is no way to send a packed from the server to the client - the client must make all requests.
您应该注意(在我已经完成的研究中)没有办法从服务器向客户端发送打包 - 客户端必须发出所有请求。
We use Weborb at my work. I highly recommend it. There are some gotchas with the way Weborb handles serialization on both ends. Just make sure in your .NET classes you don't have member names the same as class names.
我们在工作中使用Weborb。我强烈推荐它。 Weborb在两端处理序列化的方式存在一些问题。只需确保在.NET类中没有与类名相同的成员名称。
EDIT: The free developer edition of Weborb should meet most people's needs. Weborb has the distinct advantage of speed, because it uses the binary AMF format to talk over the wire instead of JSON or SOAP.
编辑:Weborb的免费开发人员版本应该满足大多数人的需求。 Weborb具有速度的独特优势,因为它使用二进制AMF格式通过线路而不是JSON或SOAP进行通信。
I second WebORB. It uses the AMF protocol which is that fastest way to get data in and out. You can easily expose your .NET services and have typed objects going in and out. You can use RMI and Messaging. It's a free product and does a great job...
WCF supports Flash..! Done with "AJAX-enabled WCF Service" and WebInvoke(Method = "POST")
WCF支持Flash ..!完成“支持AJAX的WCF服务”和WebInvoke(Method =“POST”)