
时间:2022-05-24 15:22:43

I am using supervisord to manage my Node.js server (ensure it reboots in the event of a crash and send a crash alert email). However, I am finding that if I run my app.js process through supervisord, the outputs to my server.log and to console are both stripped of color. I am using the Winston library to handle my logging. I have a few examples of output below:

我正在使用monitor sord管理我的节点。js服务器(确保在崩溃时重新启动,并发送崩溃警报电子邮件)。但是,我发现如果我通过monitor sord运行app.js进程,那么将输出到服务器。日志和控制台都没有颜色。我正在使用Winston库来处理日志记录。我有几个输出的例子:

Contents of server.log after running through supervisord:


2015-08-12T20:41:29.203Z - silly: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:29.206Z - debug: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:29.206Z - verbose: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:29.207Z - info: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:29.207Z - warn: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:29.207Z - error: Connected to redis

Contents of server.log after running through shell ($ node app.js):

内容服务器。通过shell运行后的日志($ node app.js):

2015-08-12T20:41:37.732Z - ^[[35msilly^[[39m: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:37.737Z - ^[[34mdebug^[[39m: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:37.741Z - ^[[36mverbose^[[39m: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:37.742Z - ^[[32minfo^[[39m: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:37.742Z - ^[[33mwarn^[[39m: Connected to redis
2015-08-12T20:41:37.742Z - ^[[31merror^[[39m: Connected to redis

I also noticed that if I use tail from supervisorctl to monitor my Node server, the color is stripped from there as well. When running it from the shell, I can see color output in the console.

我还注意到,如果我使用monitor sorctl的tail来监视节点服务器,那么颜色也会被从那里删除。当从shell中运行它时,我可以看到控制台中的颜色输出。

Does anyone know why this happens and how I can fix this issue?


EDIT: since someone asked for my Winston configuration:


var winston = require( 'winston' ),
    fs = require( 'fs' ),
    logDir = 'logs', // Or read from a configuration

winston.setLevels( winston.config.npm.levels );
winston.addColors( winston.config.npm.colors );

if ( !fs.existsSync( logDir ) ) { 
    // Create the directory if it does not exist
    fs.mkdirSync( logDir );
logger = new( winston.Logger )( {
    transports: [
        new winston.transports.Console( {
            level: 'silly',
            colorize: true
        } ),
        new winston.transports.File( {
            level: 'silly',
            json: false,
            colorize: true,
            filename: logDir + '/server.log',
            maxsize: 1024 * 1024 * 25 // 25MB
        } ) 
    exceptionHandlers: [
        new winston.transports.File( {
            filename: 'log/exceptions.log'
        } ) 
} );

module.exports = logger;

1 个解决方案



I found an answer to this question on the Super User Stack Echange.


To quote it:


Simply insert unbuffer before any command to make it think it is writing to an interactive output even if it is actually piping into another executable. This will preserve color in the case of ls.


For example


unbuffer ls -l --color=auto | tee output.log

取消缓冲ls -l——color=自动| tee输出。log

If you don't already have it installed, on Ubuntu and other Debian-ish Linux distributions you can install unbuffer by doing.


sudo apt-get install expect-dev

sudo apt-get安装expect-dev



I found an answer to this question on the Super User Stack Echange.


To quote it:


Simply insert unbuffer before any command to make it think it is writing to an interactive output even if it is actually piping into another executable. This will preserve color in the case of ls.


For example


unbuffer ls -l --color=auto | tee output.log

取消缓冲ls -l——color=自动| tee输出。log

If you don't already have it installed, on Ubuntu and other Debian-ish Linux distributions you can install unbuffer by doing.


sudo apt-get install expect-dev

sudo apt-get安装expect-dev