如何在C ++ / CLI NUnit测试中使用ExpectedException?

时间:2021-08-11 15:40:37

How do you do the equivalent of:


[Test, ExpectedException( typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException) )]
void Test_Something_That_Throws_Exception()
    throw gcnew ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Some more detail");

...in C++ (the example there is C#)? As far as I can see, there's no typeof() function for the C++ implementation of NUnit.

...在C ++中(有C#的例子)?据我所知,NUnit的C ++实现没有typeof()函数。

1 个解决方案


To avoid anyone else hunting around for ages trying to find it, here's the solution:


[Test, ExpectedException( ArgumentOutOfRangeException::typeid )]
void Test_Something_That_Throws_Exception()
     throw gcnew ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Some more detail");

Simply use the ::typeid of the exception :-)

只需使用例外的:: typeid :-)


To avoid anyone else hunting around for ages trying to find it, here's the solution:


[Test, ExpectedException( ArgumentOutOfRangeException::typeid )]
void Test_Something_That_Throws_Exception()
     throw gcnew ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Some more detail");

Simply use the ::typeid of the exception :-)

只需使用例外的:: typeid :-)