
时间:2021-08-24 15:13:00

I obtain a HTTPCookie, but need a Net.Cookie. Are they just something you can recast, or how would i go about it?


1 个解决方案



Actually you have two questions:


  1. Difference between System.Web.HttpCookie and System.Net.Cookie
  2. System.Web.HttpCookie和System.Net.Cookie之间的区别

  3. How to convert from HTTPCookie to a Cookie.
  4. 如何转换HTTPCookie至Cookie。

Part 1)
This question is really interesting ,I'm still thinking why there are two classes which looks pretty same ,My initial thought was System.Web.HttpCookie inherits System.Net.Cookie but this isn't true both directly inherit from Object so they are distinct classes ,but the properties matches a lot ,so this gives a hope for the solution of part 2.


Part 2)
I think its possible to convert one into another theoretically since both are just objects if you populate them the right way it will work , here a little analysis when I compared the two classes.

Click to open in new tab to enlarge


Update: The System.Web is made to be used in server-based apps and System.Net can be used for client based apps.


Some Thoughts:

  1. Write a method or a static class which can convert one object into another, I haven't check all of them but properties whose names match, there signature also matches.
  2. 编写一个可以将一个对象转换为另一个对象的方法或静态类,我没有检查所有这些对象,但是名称匹配的属性,签名也匹配。

  3. Properties which don't exists in the another object you can stuff some constant or a value which you know matches the scenario like Port number.
  4. 在另一个对象中不存在的属性可以填充某些常量或您知道的值与端口号等方案匹配。

Good luck ,let me know how you came up with the final solution ,post the code or link.


Some Links this post has some related code




Actually you have two questions:


  1. Difference between System.Web.HttpCookie and System.Net.Cookie
  2. System.Web.HttpCookie和System.Net.Cookie之间的区别

  3. How to convert from HTTPCookie to a Cookie.
  4. 如何转换HTTPCookie至Cookie。

Part 1)
This question is really interesting ,I'm still thinking why there are two classes which looks pretty same ,My initial thought was System.Web.HttpCookie inherits System.Net.Cookie but this isn't true both directly inherit from Object so they are distinct classes ,but the properties matches a lot ,so this gives a hope for the solution of part 2.


Part 2)
I think its possible to convert one into another theoretically since both are just objects if you populate them the right way it will work , here a little analysis when I compared the two classes.

Click to open in new tab to enlarge


Update: The System.Web is made to be used in server-based apps and System.Net can be used for client based apps.


Some Thoughts:

  1. Write a method or a static class which can convert one object into another, I haven't check all of them but properties whose names match, there signature also matches.
  2. 编写一个可以将一个对象转换为另一个对象的方法或静态类,我没有检查所有这些对象,但是名称匹配的属性,签名也匹配。

  3. Properties which don't exists in the another object you can stuff some constant or a value which you know matches the scenario like Port number.
  4. 在另一个对象中不存在的属性可以填充某些常量或您知道的值与端口号等方案匹配。

Good luck ,let me know how you came up with the final solution ,post the code or link.


Some Links this post has some related code
