ASP.NET中的Java EE ServletContext是否等效?

时间:2021-07-29 15:39:58

I need a way to store application-level data (i.e. cross user sessions) in ASP.NET. In Java EE I'd use the ServletContext. Is there an equivalent in ASP.NET?

我需要一种在ASP.NET中存储应用程序级数据(即跨用户会话)的方法。在Java EE中,我使用ServletContext。 ASP.NET中是否存在等价物?

1 个解决方案


From what you say (cross-user sessions) the closest you get to that in ASP.NET is through HttpApplicationState object.



From what you say (cross-user sessions) the closest you get to that in ASP.NET is through HttpApplicationState object.
