
时间:2022-01-28 19:38:31
       -s, --shared
              Obtain a shared lock, sometimes called a read lock.
       -x, -e, --exclusive
              Obtain an exclusive lock, sometimes called a write lock.  This is the default.

       -u, --unlock
              Drop  a  lock.   This  is  usually  not required, since a lock is automatically dropped when the file is
              closed.  However, it may be required in special cases, for example if the  enclosed  command  group  may
              have forked a background process which should not be holding the lock.

       -n, --nb, --nonblock
              Fail (with an exit code of 1) rather than wait if the lock cannot be immediately acquired.

       -w, --wait, --timeout seconds
              Fail (with an exit code of 1) if the lock cannot be acquired within seconds seconds.  Decimal fractional
              values are allowed.

       -o, --close
              Close the file descriptor on which the lock is held before executing command.  This is useful if command
              spawns a child process which should not be hold ing the lock.

       -c, --command command

              Pass a single command to the shell with -c.
