
时间:2022-07-15 19:39:13

I have some issues with regard to package VIMGUI. As I am trying to use it, the warning comes like this:


Loading required package: data.table
Error in load Namespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : 
  there is no package called ‘stringi’
In addition: Warning messages:
1: package ‘VIM’ was built under R version 3.1.2 
2: package ‘data.table’ was built under R version 3.1.1 
Error: package ‘data.table’ could not be loaded

When I try to install data.table the error comes like this:


package ‘data.table’ is not available (for R version 3.1.0)

1 个解决方案



If you are being told that R 3.1.0 is up-to-date then you are using a mirror that is a year behind the current version, which you've already been advised is 3.2.0. Furthermore the current version of pkg:data.table is 1.9.5 from github and it says it only requires "R >= 2.14.0" so why a mirror would give you that error is a complete mystery. Updates of R within minor versions (from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 for instance) are generally painless and let you avoid the gentle warnings (notice: not an error) such as you see such as "package ‘VIM’ was built under R version 3.1.2".

如果您被告知R 3.1.0是最新的,那么您使用的镜像比当前版本落后一年,您已经建议的是3.2.0。此外,当前版本的pkg:data.table是github的1.9.5,它说它只需要“R> = 2.14.0”,所以为什么镜子会给你这个错误是一个完全的谜。在次要版本(例如从3.1.0到3.1.2或3.1.3)中更新R通常是无痛的,让你避免轻微的警告(注意:不是错误),例如你看到的如“包'VIM'是在R版本3.1.2下构建的“。

I'm also not seeing why data.table would need VIM or stringi for that matter. Those packages are not in either the Improts or the Depends listing for 'data.table'. So I'm guessing there is a bunch of other code you have not provided that made the failed attempt at loading the data.table-package.


Update to 3.1.3 (obtained from a more complete CRAN mirror than you appear to be using.) Then post the output of sessionInfo() and maybe the output of


(mypacks <- installed.packages()[ , 1:3])

That would tell you what versions are currently in your library and whether you have multiple libraries. I wouldn't want to post that because for me


 > nrow(mypacks)
 [1] 1333

But for someone with only a few packages installed, it will give you a complete listing of your current versions and where they are on your drives. You could also post:


mypacks[ mypacks[, 'Package']  %in% c('data.table', 'stringi', 'VIM') , ]
### Output from my setup:
data.table "data.table"
stringi    "stringi"   
VIM        "VIM"       
data.table "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library"
stringi    "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library"
VIM        "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library"
data.table "1.9.5"
stringi    "0.4-1"
VIM        "4.0.0"



If you are being told that R 3.1.0 is up-to-date then you are using a mirror that is a year behind the current version, which you've already been advised is 3.2.0. Furthermore the current version of pkg:data.table is 1.9.5 from github and it says it only requires "R >= 2.14.0" so why a mirror would give you that error is a complete mystery. Updates of R within minor versions (from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 for instance) are generally painless and let you avoid the gentle warnings (notice: not an error) such as you see such as "package ‘VIM’ was built under R version 3.1.2".

如果您被告知R 3.1.0是最新的,那么您使用的镜像比当前版本落后一年,您已经建议的是3.2.0。此外,当前版本的pkg:data.table是github的1.9.5,它说它只需要“R> = 2.14.0”,所以为什么镜子会给你这个错误是一个完全的谜。在次要版本(例如从3.1.0到3.1.2或3.1.3)中更新R通常是无痛的,让你避免轻微的警告(注意:不是错误),例如你看到的如“包'VIM'是在R版本3.1.2下构建的“。

I'm also not seeing why data.table would need VIM or stringi for that matter. Those packages are not in either the Improts or the Depends listing for 'data.table'. So I'm guessing there is a bunch of other code you have not provided that made the failed attempt at loading the data.table-package.


Update to 3.1.3 (obtained from a more complete CRAN mirror than you appear to be using.) Then post the output of sessionInfo() and maybe the output of


(mypacks <- installed.packages()[ , 1:3])

That would tell you what versions are currently in your library and whether you have multiple libraries. I wouldn't want to post that because for me


 > nrow(mypacks)
 [1] 1333

But for someone with only a few packages installed, it will give you a complete listing of your current versions and where they are on your drives. You could also post:


mypacks[ mypacks[, 'Package']  %in% c('data.table', 'stringi', 'VIM') , ]
### Output from my setup:
data.table "data.table"
stringi    "stringi"   
VIM        "VIM"       
data.table "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library"
stringi    "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library"
VIM        "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.1/Resources/library"
data.table "1.9.5"
stringi    "0.4-1"
VIM        "4.0.0"