
时间:2022-05-13 14:09:30

I'm curious to know how other developers deal with versioning of web-apps and deploying different versions. The fundamental problem is that someone might be using your web-app when you deploy a new version, at which point the Javascript etc they have not he client-side is out of date.


Versioning the media on the client-side is easy enough, but if you version that you also need to version your business logic and the database, which is where things could get messy...


So I see a couple of ways of dealing with this:


  1. Display a "Upgrading" notice on the site when deploying a new version.


  2. Version tag client-side and reject any submissions to the new version from old client-side sources. Fair enough, but it doesn't really go hand in hand with continuous deployment.


  3. Continuous DB migration - running multiple version of the app at the same time (migrating users to the new version when possible). This would need any updates on the old DB schema to be "forward ported" to the new schema. Seems the most attractive for deployment, but also could be horribly complex.


  4. Somewhere in the middle of all three.


I should note that I know worrying about this kind of thing is beyond the needs of most apps, but I was thinking about it and I'm curious to know how others deal with it.


1 个解决方案



There are plenty of tools available for your exact requirements. Like Phing, and Phingistrano. Git also makes it simple but that wont display offline notice and DB deployment . I recommend dont go for auto deployment on live server, use auto deployment on staging and manual deployment on live. Also look for continuous integration on google and try teamcity

有很多工具可以满足您的精确需求。像Phing Phingistrano。Git也使它变得简单,但是不会显示离线通知和DB部署。我建议不要在live服务器上进行自动部署,在staging上使用自动部署,在live上使用手动部署。还要在谷歌上寻找持续集成,并尝试teamcity



There are plenty of tools available for your exact requirements. Like Phing, and Phingistrano. Git also makes it simple but that wont display offline notice and DB deployment . I recommend dont go for auto deployment on live server, use auto deployment on staging and manual deployment on live. Also look for continuous integration on google and try teamcity

有很多工具可以满足您的精确需求。像Phing Phingistrano。Git也使它变得简单,但是不会显示离线通知和DB部署。我建议不要在live服务器上进行自动部署,在staging上使用自动部署,在live上使用手动部署。还要在谷歌上寻找持续集成,并尝试teamcity