
时间:2022-02-02 13:08:59

Where request is a HttpRequestMessage from System.Net.Http, I'm trying to use pattern matching to determine which method was used to make the request.


This is a contrived example which demonstrates my problem:


let m = match request.Method with
      | HttpMethod.Get -> "GET"
      | HttpMethod.Post -> "POST"

which results in:


Parser error: The field, constructor or member 'Get' is not defined


Why doesn't this work, and how can I use pattern matching or a more appropriate technique to achieve the same goal?


2 个解决方案


As John Palmer points out in his comment, you could write it like this:

正如John Palmer在评论中指出的那样,你可以像这样写:

let m =
    match request.Method with
    | x when x = HttpMethod.Get -> "GET"
    | x when x = HttpMethod.Post -> "POST"
    | _ -> ""

However, if you're going to be doing this repeatedly, you may find this a bit cumbersome, in which case you could define some Active Patterns for it:


let (|GET|_|) x =
    if x = HttpMethod.Get
    then Some x
    else None

let (|POST|_|) x =
    if x = HttpMethod.Post
    then Some x
    else None

Which would enable you to write this:


let m =
    match request.Method with
    | GET _ -> "GET"
    | POST _ -> "POST"
    | _ -> ""


Another approach with Active Patterns which ends up with a slightly nicer code than in Mark's solution would be a pattern function like this one (using full classification pattern):


    if x = HttpMethod.Get
    then GET
    elif x = HttpMethod.Post
    then POST
    elif x = HttpMethod.Put
    then PUT
    elif x = HttpMethod.Delete
    then DELETE
    else OTHER

This approach lets you get rid of underscores in pattern matching:


let m =
    match request.Method with
    | GET -> "GET"
    | POST -> "POST"
    | _ -> ""


As John Palmer points out in his comment, you could write it like this:

正如John Palmer在评论中指出的那样,你可以像这样写:

let m =
    match request.Method with
    | x when x = HttpMethod.Get -> "GET"
    | x when x = HttpMethod.Post -> "POST"
    | _ -> ""

However, if you're going to be doing this repeatedly, you may find this a bit cumbersome, in which case you could define some Active Patterns for it:


let (|GET|_|) x =
    if x = HttpMethod.Get
    then Some x
    else None

let (|POST|_|) x =
    if x = HttpMethod.Post
    then Some x
    else None

Which would enable you to write this:


let m =
    match request.Method with
    | GET _ -> "GET"
    | POST _ -> "POST"
    | _ -> ""


Another approach with Active Patterns which ends up with a slightly nicer code than in Mark's solution would be a pattern function like this one (using full classification pattern):


    if x = HttpMethod.Get
    then GET
    elif x = HttpMethod.Post
    then POST
    elif x = HttpMethod.Put
    then PUT
    elif x = HttpMethod.Delete
    then DELETE
    else OTHER

This approach lets you get rid of underscores in pattern matching:


let m =
    match request.Method with
    | GET -> "GET"
    | POST -> "POST"
    | _ -> ""