
时间:2021-12-07 13:54:08

I am trying to customize a form on a Wordpress site. This form has two fields which will share the same exact data (Post Title and Location). Rather than have the user enter the same information in two different fields, I am looking for a way to have the user enter the Location in the Location field, and then have that same input passed on to the Post Title field (which will be hidden) before the form is submitted.

我想在Wordpress网站上自定义一个表单。此表单有两个字段,它们将共享相同的确切数据(帖子标题和位置)。我没有让用户在两个不同的字段中输入相同的信息,而是在寻找让用户在Location字段中输入Location的方法,然后将相同的输入传递给Post Title字段(将隐藏)在提交表单之前。

I have done some research on this and it seems like jquery is need to make this happen. I'm not at all knowledgeable with jquery, so I need some clarification on how to make this happen. If you could, please explain how to implement the jquery code into the page. Do I have to create a jquery file and then call that file on this page? As I said, I know nothing about jquery. Thanks.


Note: Having issues with jquery event that will work with autocomplete drop down. All events I've tried are only passing text I type manually. When I click on an autocomplete dropdown suggestion, any text I didnt type manually is not passed to the second field.


Here is the current code I am working with:


<input type="text" id="location" name="location" tabindex="17" data-geo="formatted_address" placeholder="<?php echo esc_attr__( 'Provide full street address', APP_TD ); ?>" class="required" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $project->_hrb_location ); ?>" />
    <input name="post_title" type="hidden" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $project->_hrb_location ); ?>" class="required" />

5 个解决方案



This JavaScript function is going to take the value entered in the field Location and will post to the field Post_ID accordingly.

此JavaScript函数将获取在“位置”字段中输入的值,并将相应地发布到字段Post_ID。 JS:

 var swap_val = function  (val){
            var input = document.getElementById("post_title");
            input.value = val;



Enter Location to see it in the Post ID:
<input type="text" id="location" name="location" tabindex="17" data-geo="formatted_address"  
class="required" value="" onkeyup='swap_val(this.value);'/>
Post ID:
<input name="post_title"  id = "post_title" type="text" value="" class="required" />

A Pen




$( document ).ready(function() {
   $('#location').on("keyup", function(){

On every keyup that will add the value of the input with the id of location and 'place' it inside the hidden input with the name post_title




jQuery is a JavaScript library which has a few simple basics and a lot of advanced topics. Here are a couple relevant points to your question:


  1. You select elements through the DOM just like CSS selectors. Here you select every element with an ID of 'location'


    var input = $("#location");

    var input = $(“#location”);

  2. You can bind events to elements, such as on click, blur, mouse over, load, etc.


  3. You would include jQuery as a script in the head tag of your HTML, and any scripts you have that require jQuery can be in their own js files or in the HTML/PHP document you're working with.

    您可以将jQuery作为脚本添加到HTML的head标记中,并且您需要jQuery的任何脚本都可以在他们自己的js文件中或您正在使用的HTML / PHP文档中。

See my fiddle as an example of how to bind the blur event (focus on an element is removed... IE tab off the text input).

请参阅我的小提琴作为如何绑定模糊事件的示例(关注元素被删除... IE选项卡关闭文本输入)。



var input = $("#location");
var showme = $("#showme");

$(input).on("blur", function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<input type="text" id="location" name="location" tabindex="17" data-geo="formatted_address" placeholder="Provide full street address" class="required" value="" />
<input type="text" id="showme" disabled />



Here's how I did it in WordPress:


First form - looking for the name="YourNameValueHere" variable and calling a "GET" request instead of a "POST".

第一种形式 - 寻找name =“YourNameValueHere”变量并调用“GET”请求而不是“POST”。

<form class="mailform" method="get" name="grab" action="Your-URL-here-or-file.php"> <fieldset> <label > <input type="text" name="first_name" /> </label> <label > <input type="text" name="last_name" /> </label> <label> <input type="text" name="email_address" /> </label> <label> <input type="text" name="phone"/> </label> <div class="controls-submit"> <button class="btn-large" type="submit">Get started now!</button> </div> </fieldset> </form>

Form #2 spits out the info in the input fields


These are the vars that grab the name input fields in the first form with "GET" request.


<?php $firstName = $_GET['first_name']; $lastName = $_GET["last_name"]; $emailAddress = $_GET["email_address"]; $phoneNumber = $_GET["phone"];
<form method="POST"> <p>First Name*</p> <input required type="text" name="first_name" value="<?php echo $firstName; ?>"> <p>Last Name*</p> <input required type="text" name="last_name" value="<?php echo $lastName; ?>"> <p>email*</p> <input required type="email_address" name="email_address" value="<?php echo $emailAddress; ?>"> <p>Phone*</p> <input required type="phone" name="phone" value="<?php echo $phoneNumber; ?> "> <button>Submit</button> </form>

<?php $ firstName = $ _GET ['first_name']; $ lastName = $ _GET [“last_name”]; $ emailAddress = $ _GET [“email_address”]; $ phoneNumber = $ _GET [“phone”]; ?>

名字* <输入必需type =“text”name="“first_name”value" =“<?php echo $ firstname;?> ”>

姓氏* <输入必需类型=“文本”name =“last_name”value="“<?php" echo $ lastname;?> ”>

电子邮件* <输入所需类型=“email_address “name="”email_address“value" =”<?php echo $ emailaddress;?> “>

电话* <输入所需类型=”电话“名称=”电话“值=”<?php echo $ phonenumber;?> “> <按钮> 提交



You can use a couple of different event handlers to achieve this quite easily:




The event handler can be asked to execute on different events, two of these include:


1) blur - After the current element has lost focus.

1)模糊 - 当前元素失去焦点后。

2) keyup - After button presses

2)keyup - 按下按钮后

The example includes both methods.


The basic structure of the event handlers are:


// On 'blur' will update when you click off the field
$('#location').on('blur', function(){

// On 'keyup' will update after each key press
$('#title').on('keyup', function(){

If you are using autocomplete, try using the blur event handler.


Let me know if it helps.




This JavaScript function is going to take the value entered in the field Location and will post to the field Post_ID accordingly.

此JavaScript函数将获取在“位置”字段中输入的值,并将相应地发布到字段Post_ID。 JS:

 var swap_val = function  (val){
            var input = document.getElementById("post_title");
            input.value = val;



Enter Location to see it in the Post ID:
<input type="text" id="location" name="location" tabindex="17" data-geo="formatted_address"  
class="required" value="" onkeyup='swap_val(this.value);'/>
Post ID:
<input name="post_title"  id = "post_title" type="text" value="" class="required" />

A Pen




$( document ).ready(function() {
   $('#location').on("keyup", function(){

On every keyup that will add the value of the input with the id of location and 'place' it inside the hidden input with the name post_title




jQuery is a JavaScript library which has a few simple basics and a lot of advanced topics. Here are a couple relevant points to your question:


  1. You select elements through the DOM just like CSS selectors. Here you select every element with an ID of 'location'


    var input = $("#location");

    var input = $(“#location”);

  2. You can bind events to elements, such as on click, blur, mouse over, load, etc.


  3. You would include jQuery as a script in the head tag of your HTML, and any scripts you have that require jQuery can be in their own js files or in the HTML/PHP document you're working with.

    您可以将jQuery作为脚本添加到HTML的head标记中,并且您需要jQuery的任何脚本都可以在他们自己的js文件中或您正在使用的HTML / PHP文档中。

See my fiddle as an example of how to bind the blur event (focus on an element is removed... IE tab off the text input).

请参阅我的小提琴作为如何绑定模糊事件的示例(关注元素被删除... IE选项卡关闭文本输入)。



var input = $("#location");
var showme = $("#showme");

$(input).on("blur", function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<input type="text" id="location" name="location" tabindex="17" data-geo="formatted_address" placeholder="Provide full street address" class="required" value="" />
<input type="text" id="showme" disabled />



Here's how I did it in WordPress:


First form - looking for the name="YourNameValueHere" variable and calling a "GET" request instead of a "POST".

第一种形式 - 寻找name =“YourNameValueHere”变量并调用“GET”请求而不是“POST”。

<form class="mailform" method="get" name="grab" action="Your-URL-here-or-file.php"> <fieldset> <label > <input type="text" name="first_name" /> </label> <label > <input type="text" name="last_name" /> </label> <label> <input type="text" name="email_address" /> </label> <label> <input type="text" name="phone"/> </label> <div class="controls-submit"> <button class="btn-large" type="submit">Get started now!</button> </div> </fieldset> </form>

Form #2 spits out the info in the input fields


These are the vars that grab the name input fields in the first form with "GET" request.


<?php $firstName = $_GET['first_name']; $lastName = $_GET["last_name"]; $emailAddress = $_GET["email_address"]; $phoneNumber = $_GET["phone"];
<form method="POST"> <p>First Name*</p> <input required type="text" name="first_name" value="<?php echo $firstName; ?>"> <p>Last Name*</p> <input required type="text" name="last_name" value="<?php echo $lastName; ?>"> <p>email*</p> <input required type="email_address" name="email_address" value="<?php echo $emailAddress; ?>"> <p>Phone*</p> <input required type="phone" name="phone" value="<?php echo $phoneNumber; ?> "> <button>Submit</button> </form>

<?php $ firstName = $ _GET ['first_name']; $ lastName = $ _GET [“last_name”]; $ emailAddress = $ _GET [“email_address”]; $ phoneNumber = $ _GET [“phone”]; ?>

名字* <输入必需type =“text”name="“first_name”value" =“<?php echo $ firstname;?> ”>

姓氏* <输入必需类型=“文本”name =“last_name”value="“<?php" echo $ lastname;?> ”>

电子邮件* <输入所需类型=“email_address “name="”email_address“value" =”<?php echo $ emailaddress;?> “>

电话* <输入所需类型=”电话“名称=”电话“值=”<?php echo $ phonenumber;?> “> <按钮> 提交



You can use a couple of different event handlers to achieve this quite easily:




The event handler can be asked to execute on different events, two of these include:


1) blur - After the current element has lost focus.

1)模糊 - 当前元素失去焦点后。

2) keyup - After button presses

2)keyup - 按下按钮后

The example includes both methods.


The basic structure of the event handlers are:


// On 'blur' will update when you click off the field
$('#location').on('blur', function(){

// On 'keyup' will update after each key press
$('#title').on('keyup', function(){

If you are using autocomplete, try using the blur event handler.


Let me know if it helps.
