
时间:2022-03-21 13:15:29

I'm looking for one regular expression that could match a string for three specific cases in a xml file:


  1. : Double-quotes surrounding a string.
  2. :字符串周围的双引号。

  3. : A string surrounded by the characters greater than and Less Than.
  4. :由大于和小于的字符包围的字符串。

  5. : A string surrounded by the characters ; and &.
  6. :由字符包围的字符串;和&。


  • "MyString" - Valid match
  • “MyString” - 有效匹配

  • >MyString< - Valid match
  • > MyString < - 有效匹配

  • ;MyString& - Valid match
  • ; MyString& - 有效匹配

Other possible combinations are invalid match.


  • "MyString< - Invalid match
  • “MyString < - 无效匹配

  • ;MyString" - Invalid match

  • ; MyString“ - 无效匹配

    2 个解决方案


    Try this: ("MyString")|(>MyString<)|(;MyString&)

    试试这个:(“MyString”)|(> MyString <)|(; MyString&)


    You cannot use regex to parse xml, it is not a regular grammar. Use an xml parser, seriously.


    When you're using your parser to inspect text node values then and only then you might want to use (\".*?\")|(>.*?<)|(;.*?&) but I doubt you'll find the problem is framed the same way. >MyString< is very suspicious.

    当您使用解析器检查文本节点值时,您可能只想使用(\“。*?\”)|(>。*?<)|(;。*?&)但我怀疑你我会发现问题的框架方式相同。 > MyString <非常可疑。< p>


    Try this: ("MyString")|(>MyString<)|(;MyString&)

    试试这个:(“MyString”)|(> MyString <)|(; MyString&)


    You cannot use regex to parse xml, it is not a regular grammar. Use an xml parser, seriously.


    When you're using your parser to inspect text node values then and only then you might want to use (\".*?\")|(>.*?<)|(;.*?&) but I doubt you'll find the problem is framed the same way. >MyString< is very suspicious.

    当您使用解析器检查文本节点值时,您可能只想使用(\“。*?\”)|(>。*?<)|(;。*?&)但我怀疑你我会发现问题的框架方式相同。 > MyString <非常可疑。< p>