需要在django admin中为另一个模型添加视图列表锚标记

时间:2022-02-05 19:41:04

I have a two models question and answers. I am now able to show both the models in django admin. But i need to show a link for View Answers in question listing page in django admin. And this link should only show the answers of related question.

我有两个模型问答。我现在能够在django admin中显示这两个模型。但我需要在django admin中显示问题列表页面中的查看答案的链接。此链接应仅显示相关问题的答案。

For example


Question  Date     ViewAnswers
A             21.2.12 View Answers
B             22.2.12 View Answers

问题日期ViewAnswers A 21.2.12查看答案B 22.2.12查看答案

Answer model have foreign key of question in it. And i want by clicking the view answers link i am able to see listing of all the answers for that question.


1 个解决方案



I assume that your app is called app and question field of the Answer model is named question :-)


from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

class QuestionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ['question', 'date', 'view_answers']

    def view_answers(self, obj):
        url = reverse("admin:app_answer_changelist")
        return '<a href="%s?question=%d">View answers</a>' % (url, obj.pk)
    view_answers.short_description = 'View answers'
    view_answers.allow_tags = True



I assume that your app is called app and question field of the Answer model is named question :-)


from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

class QuestionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ['question', 'date', 'view_answers']

    def view_answers(self, obj):
        url = reverse("admin:app_answer_changelist")
        return '<a href="%s?question=%d">View answers</a>' % (url, obj.pk)
    view_answers.short_description = 'View answers'
    view_answers.allow_tags = True