在Angular ng-repeat中添加一个计数器?

时间:2021-07-26 19:41:45

I am trying to find some documentation for being able to append a counted number to each item returned by an ng-repeat. Is this not an out of a box thing for Angular? Not quite like an Id, but more like, if 4 items returned, each item JSON object could add a number in front of data returned. My code looks like:


<div  class="swipeBoxes" ng-repeat="swipe in swipes">
    <a href="#">
        <div class="swipeBox">
            <span class="swipeNum"></span>
            <p><span>swipe date:</span><span>{{ swipe.date | date: 'MM/dd/yyyy'}}</span></p>
            <p><span>provider:</span><span>{{ swipe.merchant }}</span></p>
            <p><span>amount:</span><span>{{ swipe.amount | currency }}</span></p>

2 个解决方案



You can use $index for your counter.

你可以使用$ index作为你的柜台。

<div  class="swipeBoxes" ng-repeat="swipe in swipes">
    {{$index + 1}}



Using $index from ngRepeat should be able to solve your problems.

使用ngRepeat中的$ index应该能够解决您的问题。



You can use $index for your counter.

你可以使用$ index作为你的柜台。

<div  class="swipeBoxes" ng-repeat="swipe in swipes">
    {{$index + 1}}



Using $index from ngRepeat should be able to solve your problems.

使用ngRepeat中的$ index应该能够解决您的问题。